
英语翻译 2019-07-27 18:13:12 96


Types of People 人物类型

Does it matter if someone says you\'re no rocket scientist? Yes, it does! This phrase means not very intelligent.
如果某人说你是no rocket scientist时要紧吗?当然要紧!因为该短语的意思是“不很聪明”。

例句:He was no rocket scientist with computers. 他对计算机不太灵光。

What if a newspaper describes a politician as a dark horse? This means nobody knows much about him.
要是报纸把某一政客描述为dark horse呢?这说明“没有人很了解他”。

例句:Our congressman had been in Washington 20 years and thought we\'d keep voting for him forever. This year, though, the other party nominated a dark horse out of nowhere. He kept telling voters it was time for a change and he won the election.

And a party pooper? This means a person who spoils enjoyable activities by refusing to join in. This idiom is also useful in apologies:"I\'m sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to go home now."
那么party pooper呢?这是指“拒绝加入愉快的聚会或活动,而使人扫兴的人”。该短语在道歉时也很有用:I\'m sorry to be a party pooper, but I have to go home now.(真抱歉要扫大家的兴了,可我现在就得回家了。)

例句:If you are not interested, don\'t accept the invitation. If you do accept it, have fun and don\'t be a party pooper. That\'s the basic decorum. 如果你没兴趣,就不要接受邀请。如果你决定去了,就痛痛快快地玩,别做扫兴的人。这是基本的礼仪。

Brains and beauty 智慧与美丽

A Hollywood actress once met the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell. Whereas he was quite ugly, she turned heads wherever she went. She was rather full of herself and said to Russell, "They say I\'m the most beautiful woman in the world, and I hear you\'re the smartest man. Imagine if we had a child with your brains and my beauty." Russell, who was never lost for words, replied, "Imagine if it had my beauty and your brains."

turned heads:吸引很多人回头
full of oneself:过于自得
lost for words:无以应对

人物描述方法 人物描写 对人物的描写方法有哪些 对于人物的描写方法 描写人物的方法有几种 人物描写方法有哪六种 描写人物的方法有五种 描写人物手法 描写人物外貌



