
英语翻译 2019-07-27 12:12:54 67

Q: The China-Japan-ROK leaders\' breakfast meeting will be held on the sidelines of the East Asia Summit and related meetings in Thailand. What will China say at the meetings about the DPRK satellite launch?
A: I\'d like to take this opportunity to tell you, at 2:30p.m. tomorrow Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue will preside over a briefing on Premier Wen Jiabao attending the East Asia Summit and related meetings. I suggest you refer your questions to him.
During the China-Japan-ROK leaders\' breakfast meeting, Premier Wen will elaborate on China\'s initiative on trilateral cooperation this year and commemoration of the 10th anniversary of cooperation, exchange views with his counterparts as well as make proposals on mutually-beneficial cooperation in economy, trade, finance, sustainable development and people-to-people exchanges. China is willing to have exchanges over international and regional issues of common interest.
As I mentioned, we believe the Security Council should respond in a prudent way to the DPRK satellite launch. Reactions of the Security Council should be conducive to peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia as well as the Six-Party Talks.

Q: Also on DPRK. Does China think this rocket launch by the DPRK negatively affects the Six-Party Talks? Is it a setback for the Talks?
A: It is in the interest of countries in the region as well as the international community to press ahead with the Six-Party talks, realize denuclearization through dialogue and consultation and ensure peace and stability of the Peninsula and Northeast Asia. Over the past years, the Six-Party Talks has overcome difficulties and made positive achievements in promoting denuclearization of the Peninsula, realizing normalization of relations between relevant countries and exploring the establishment of a peace and security mechanism in Northeast Asia, thus contributing to peace and stability of the region. We believe that these hard-earned achievements should be cherished by all parties. We hope relevant parties keep communication and coordination to jointly maintain the Six-Party Talks.

为什么要朝东发射卫星 我为什么朝东发射卫星 为什么老是朝东发射卫星 发射卫星朝东 总是朝东发射卫星 朝东发射卫星的原因 为什么中国朝东发射卫星 朝东发射卫星飞船


