Google CEO倡议报纸创立新模式

英语翻译 2019-07-27 12:12:52 116

During a speech at the Newspaper Association of America\'s convention in San Diego, Mr. Schmidt called on the industry to join with Google to create products that would entice readers to go beyond headlines listed on search-engine pages.
在圣迭戈举行的美国报业协会(Newspaper Association of America)年度大会上,施密特发表演讲,他呼吁报纸产业应当与谷歌合作,创立能够吸引读者在搜索引擎所列的标题之外还想进一步阅读的产品。

\'We think we can build a business with you,\' he said. \'That is the only solution we can see.\'

The speech Tuesday marked Mr. Schmidt\'s first appearance before a gathering of top newspaper executives, many of whom have expressed growing concern that their content has become a source of revenue for Google, even as their industry\'s business model continues to crumble as readers gravitate to online news.

With ad markets suffering amid the global economic downturn, observers in the newspaper industry are revisiting the controversial issue of charging online subscriptions for newspaper content.

While there is opportunity to charge subscriptions, Mr. Schmidt emphasized online advertising, which accounts for nearly all of Google\'s revenue.

\'Advertising still is the best way to reach a large audience,\' Mr. Schmidt said. \'It\'s very difficult to hold information back\' on the Web.

He foresees a place for micro-payments, which could allow a reader to pay a few cents each for an article they want to read online. He said technologies are available to allow publishers to create an online micro-payment system, like the one pioneered in the music business by Apple Inc.\'s iTunes.
他预计小额支付将有用武之地,这种方式可以让读者对他想在网上阅读的一篇文章一次支付几分钱。他说,已经存在让报业公司创立网络小额支付系统的技术,比如苹果公司(Apple Inc.)的iTunes在音乐业务中所采用的系统。

Mr. Schmidt compared the digital future of the publishing industry to that of the TV business, where broadcast networks draw the largest audience with an ad-supported model, and cable networks attract more niche audiences with subscription-based models and a combination of the two.

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