
英语翻译 2019-07-27 12:12:50 101

As the financial crisis deepens and its destructive effects are experienced throughout the world, what should we do? Can you talk about economic trends? How would you describe the economy?

1: "The __________ in public spending is a direct result of the credit crunch." Whichword can\'t be used in this sentence? 
a. fall   
b. drop 
c. decline 
d. down 

2: "Even in this difficult economic climate, some companies are still reporting a __________ in profits." Which word can be used in this sentence? 
a. rise   
b. grow 
c. up 
d. improve

正确答案是:a,短语a rise in profits就是利润提高的意思,a rise提高。b. grow不对,因为此处需要一个名词,如果改为a growth in profits就对了;c. up不对,如果改为an upwardmovement in profits就没有问题了;d. improve不对,因为此处需要一个名词或名词短语,如果改为an improvement in profits就没有问题了。
3: "Stocks plummeted overnight after news broke of another major bank\'s downfall."Which sentence best describes the movement of the stocks? 
a. They have dramatically risen.   
b. They have dramatically fallen. 
c. They have fluctuated a lot. 
d. They have not moved.

正确答案是:b,如果什么东西dramatically fallen, 那就是大幅下跌或下降的意思,同义词是plummeted。c不对,因为 fluctuated 意思是上下浮动的意思和句意不符。

4: "Share prices in the computing giant Apple are soaring after their successful launch of the 3G iPhone." Which sentence best describes how the share price is doing? 
a. Share prices are fluctuating wildly.   
b. Share prices are unusually low. 
c. Share prices are exceptionally high. 
d. Share prices have remained stable. 

正确答案是:c,这个句子的意思是特别高impressive height和原句中的意思相符合,soaring迅速升高。 a不对,因为股票市场上的fluctuating wildly, 通常说明上市公司有问题,而句子的意思是说苹果公司很成功,Fluctuating wildly 大幅浮动。

5: "Unemployment is __________ and further redundancies look highly probable." Which phrase can be used in this sentence? 
a. at an all time high   
b. in its all time high 
c. on an all time high 
d. an all time high 

6: "Some economists seem particularly concerned with the __________ exchange rates." Which word can be used in this sentence? 
a. erupting   
b. fiery 
c. volatile 
d. explosive

正确答案是:c,volatile 是个比较难的词,意思是动荡的。在表述货币兑换率exchange rates的时候经常使用。类似的表达还有wildly fluctuating大幅浮动的。另外形容一个国家或地区的局势不稳定,也会经常使用这个词。a不对,因为在表示货币的兑换率的时候不能使用erupting(爆发)这个词;b不对,因为在表示货币的兑换率的时候不能使用 fiery(火爆的)这个词;d不对,因为在表示货币的兑换率的时候不能使用 explosive(爆发性的)这个词。



