
英语翻译 2019-07-27 12:12:45 72

China finds itself once again caught between the world and North Korea, its roguish ally and trading partner.

On Monday China joined the rest of the U.N. Security Council in a presidential statement condemning North Korea\'s April 5 rocket launch. (The statement was itself a compromise. Unlike a Security Council resolution, a presidential statement is held by most countries to be non-binding). The statement expressed support for the continuation of six-party talks, but also agreed to adjust sanctions against North Korea.

周一,中国与联合国安理会(U.N. Security Council)其他成员国共同发布主席声明,谴责朝鲜4月5日试射火箭的行动。(这份声明本身就是妥协的结果。主席声明不同于安理会决议,被大多数国家视为不具备约束力。)声明表示支持继续进行六方会谈,但也同意调整针对朝鲜的制裁措施。

North Korea is not happy. On Tuesday, the foreign ministry said North Korea \'resolutely rejects the unjust action\' of the Security Council and will boycott the six-party talks with the U.S., China, South Korea, Japan and Russia. The talks started in 2003 and have proceeded intermittently with mixed results. North Korea also suggested that it would resume its nuclear weapons programs.

\'We have no choice but to further strengthen our nuclear deterrent to cope with additional military threats by hostile forces,\' the foreign ministry said in its statement.

Now, China appears to be stuck in the middle, urging restraint on all sides. Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said that China is opposed to any new sanction against North Korea. But she also called on North Korea to come back to the negotiation table.

\'The Chinese side hopes all sides will … continue to advance and push forward the six-party talks and the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,\' said Jiang, according to the AFP.

Now, the question is, will North Korea listen to China?

Observers say the North Korean response is \'unusually strong,\' according to the Korea Times.
据韩国报纸《Korea Times》报导,观察人士认为朝鲜此次的反应“异常强硬”。

\'North Korea\'s statements are always a mixture of bluff and real threats, but I think the threats are more real this time, and I think they\'ll continue for the next few months at least,\' Shi Yinhong, a regional security expert at Renmin University in Beijing, told the New York Times.
中国人民大学地区安全专家时殷弘对《纽约时报》(New York Times)说,朝鲜回应联合国安理会的声明,虚张声势之中,往往会带有实质的威胁,而我认为今次的威胁较以前来得真实,而且会持续至少数个月。

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