
英语翻译 2019-07-27 12:12:37 356

While Western governments debate how to reform their banking sectors, Beijing is now facing a different problem: how to keep from gutting the last decade of banking reform it\'s already been through. There\'s a very real danger that policy makers will undo their earlier efforts in the name of short-term stimulus.

The central problem is the Chinese government\'s strategy of stimulating the economy through an enormous expansion of bank lending. The government has turned to the banks to finance half of its four trillion yuan ($586 billion) stimulus package. In addition to that, the government has set high targets for commercial lending to support businesses. China\'s lenders pumped out more than 4.5 trillion yuan in new loans in the first quarter of 2009, 8% more than in all of 2008.

This is eerily reminiscient of an earlier era when the government leaned heavily on banks to finance economic growth, and especially large state-owned enterprises. In the 1980s and \'90s, Chinese banks piled up a colossal tangle of politically directed bad debts that either could not be repaid, or were never meant to be repaid in the first place. In 2003 nonperforming loans made up 20.4% of banks\' total loan books, a face value equivalent to 16.5% of GDP. This threatened to swamp the entire economy.

Beijing managed to clean up that problem with the help of the new China Banking Regulatory Commission, $100 billion in new government capital, and foreign \'strategic partners\' to train banks in global best practices. Nonperforming loans were brought down to 2.5% by the end of 2008. This was accompanied by a deeper change in corporate culture, as bank staff started thinking like bankers instead of like agents of government policy. A decade of difficult reform culminated in Hong Kong stock listings for three of the big four -- Bank of China, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and China Construction Bank -- with the fourth, Agricultural Bank of China, on the way. Yet despite this hard-won progress, Beijing is now in danger of backsliding.
中国政府后来设法扭转了这种局面,当时,中国新成立了银行业监督管理委员会(China Banking Regulatory Commission),政府又拿出1,000亿美元资金注入银行业,此外,还通过外国“战略合作伙伴”向中国银行业传授全球最佳经营管理规范。到 2008年末,不良贷款比率降到了2.5%。与此同时,中国银行业在企业文化方面也发生着更深层的变化。银行业人士开始像银行家而不是像政府官员那样来考虑问题。经过十年的艰苦改革,中国四大国有银行中的三家──中国银行(Bank of China)、中国工商银行(Industrial and Commercial Bank of China)和中国建设银行(China Construction Bank)──先后在香港挂牌上市,中国农业银行(Agricultural Bank of China)的上市工作也在进行中。然而,在取得这番来之不易的进步之后,中国的银行业改革现在面临着倒退的危险。

On the surface, China\'s banks appear to be remarkably healthy. The CBRC reports that this year, despite the economic slowdown, nonperforming loans have continued falling, not only as a percentage of the rapidly expanding base but in absolute terms. China\'s banks, the story goes, are a well-tuned engine capable of lifting the Chinese economy up.

A closer look, however, raises several red flags that regulators haven\'t been able to address satisfactorily. Take existing loan portfolios even before the rash of new stimulus lending. Given the severe drop-off in Chinese exports, along with the worldwide widening of credit spreads (reflecting increased risk of defaults), it strains credulity to believe that the health of these portfolios could be improving. In reality, the CBRC recently allowed Chinese banks to minimize the recognition of nonperforming loans by rescheduling loans before maturity and \'evergreening\' troubled loans by rolling them over into new ones. In contrast, NPLs recognized by foreign banks operating in China -- which generally follow the stricter rules of their home regulators -- have more than doubled since the start of 2008.



