
英语翻译 2019-07-27 06:13:00 120

Toyota Motor Corp. has hit a pothole in China, where its failure to anticipate booming demand for small cars is depressing sales as rivals like General Motors Corp. report sharp gains.
丰田汽车(Motor Corp.)在中国遭遇挫折。由于未能预见到小型车需求旺盛,其销售业绩受到抑制,而通用汽车(General Motors)等竞争对手同期销量却大幅上升。

The sales slump is a blow to the world\'s biggest auto maker because China is the only major global auto market still growing. The problem adds to weakness in other markets for Toyota, which is expected Friday to report big losses for the year through March 31.

Toyota\'s China sales in the first quarter of 2009 fell 17% from a year earlier to 125,743 vehicles, even as the total Chinese market, fueled by rising demand for small cars, grew 4% to 2.7 million vehicles. GM\'s sales gained 17% to 363,317 vehicles, including commercial microminivans made by SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co., in which GM holds a minority stake. Other big producers, like Japanese rival Nissan Motor Co., also reported strong first-quarter sales. GM on Tuesday said its China sales rose an even-faster 50% in April. Toyota is expected to report April sales for China early next week.
丰田今年一季度在中国市场的销售量较上年同期下降17%,为125,743辆,而同期中国汽车市场总销量在小型车需求上升的带动下增长4%,达到270万辆。该季度通用汽车(GM)销量增长17%至363,317辆,其中包括上汽通用五菱(SAIC GM Wuling Automobile Co.)生产的微型商用车。通用在该公司持有少数股份。其他大型汽车制造商同样也宣布一季度在华销售业绩强劲,比如日本的日产汽车(Nissan)。通用汽车周二称,其4月份在华销量升幅高达50%。预计丰田将于下周初公布4月份在华销量。

The root of Toyota\'s China problem is a slow response to increasing demand outside China\'s biggest cities for small, affordable cars -- an unexpected lapse by a company known for its fuel-efficient vehicles and generally seen as adept at grasping changes in customer desires.

丰田业绩 广汽丰田业绩 广汽丰田18年业绩 丰田业绩2018 广汽丰田18年销售业绩 广汽业绩 一汽丰田销售积分 广汽传祺业绩 丰田 销售额


