
英语翻译 2019-07-27 06:12:55 189

death toll 死亡人数
high-ranking officials 高层官员
food stamp 食品券,食物券(发给失业者或贫民的粮票)

shore up 提振
例如:shore up economy 提振经济
外刊中也常用prop up
例句:The budget for the 2010 fiscal year, Obama\'s first one, seeks to shore up the world\'s largest economy while also overhauling health care, energy and education.

capital buffer 资本缓冲
例句: Banks needing to augment its capital buffer will have until June 8th to develop a detailed capital plan, and until November 9th to implement that capital plan.

plea bargain 辩诉交易
美国的一项司法制度,指在法官开庭审理之前,处于控诉一方的检察官和代表被告人的辩护律师进行协商,以检察官撤销指控、降格指控或要求法官从轻判处刑罚为条件,换取被告人的认罪答辩(plea of Guilty)。

aircraft carrier 航空母舰
active and reserve forces 现役部队和预备役部队

on the back burner 搁置着,停止
例句:Although official NATO policy still says Georgia and Ukraine will become members of the alliance, NATO expansion has been on the back burner since France and Germany -- under pressure from Russia -- postponed indefinitely the launch of a pre-membership program for the Black Sea nations at a summit last year in Bucharest.

strategic offensive weapon 战略进攻性武器

red ink 赤字
例句:The red ink was worse than the $3.5 billion loss Toyota had projected in February.

相反的,stay in the black表示“盈利”
例句:Honda expects to stay in the black this year.

drum up business  招揽生意,促进业务发展
例句:CEO Howard Schultz has his own ideas for drumming up business, of course; Starbucks says it has no plans for television now.

时事 最近时事 时事评论 国内最新时事 2018时事政治热点汇总 时事一点通 2019年时事政治汇总 2018年时事 2018年时政热点汇总


