
英语翻译 2019-07-27 06:12:54 168

China is the prime focus of international climate change negotiations beginning this week, with leading figures in the talks calling urgently on Beijing to co-operate in forging a new agreement on greenhouse gases.

The United Nations, the US and European governments have all stepped up their diplomatic efforts to woo Beijing in recent days, emolliently brushing aside its hardline stance. Late last month, Beijing called on rich countries to cut their emissions by 40 per cent by 2020, far more than any has agreed, and to give 0.5 to 1 per cent of their gross domestic product to poor countries to cope with climate change.
联合国、美国和欧洲各国最近几天均加大了外交努力,纷纷向北京示好,而对其强硬立场避而不谈。上月末,中国政府呼吁富裕国家在2020年前将温室气体排放量削减40%——远高于此前达成的任何协议——并拿出相当于其GDP 0.5%至1.0%的资金帮助贫穷国家应对气候变化。

This has been privately dismissed by Western diplomats as posturing, but in public officials have been careful to adopt a conciliatory tone.

“The Chinese leadership have become very serious about looking at this issue [of global warming],” Ban Ki-moon, United Nations secretary-general, told the Financial Times. “China is now investing a lot in renewable energy to make it industry cleaner. They are building major nuclear power plants. . . the way they have taken measures is very important.”
联合国秘书长潘基文(Ban Ki-moon)向英国《金融时报》表示:“中国领导人已经相当关注(全球变暖)这个问题。中国现在大举投资于可再生能源,使其工业变得更为清洁。他们正在建设大型核电站……他们采取措施的方式非常重要。”

Todd Stern, US special envoy for climate change, added last week: “I don\'t think that there\'s any question that China and the other major economies have to be in the game. They\'re doing a lot already, but they\'re going to need to do more actions and commit to them and be able to quantify them.”
美国气候变化特使托德•斯特恩(Todd Stern)上周还表示:“我认为,中国和其它主要经济体必须加入到行动之中,这是毫无疑问的。他们已经做了大量工作,但他们还需要采取更多行动,全力以赴并进行量化。”

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