
英语翻译 2019-07-27 06:12:49 109

中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛

Speech by H.E. Hu Jintao
President of the People\'s Republic of China
At the Conference Marking the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations Between China and Russia
Moscow, 17 June 2009

Your Excellency President Dimitry Medvedev,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

Today, we gather together in this world-renowned National Grand Theatre of Russia to celebrate the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, a festive occasion for both the Chinese and Russian peoples. I wish to take this opportunity to extend to you and, through you, to the friendly people of Russia, cordial greetings and best wishes of the Chinese Government and people.

In the heart-warming speech delivered just a while ago, President Medvedev outlined the progress that has been made in the development of China-Russia relations, and put forward valuable suggestions for the future growth of this relationship. I think he spoke for all of us.

The past 60 years have been momentous for China-Russia relations. Our political relations have become increasingly mature in these 60 years. In April 1996, leaders of our two countries, learning from history and acting in the fundamental interests of our two peoples, decided to establish between us a strategic partnership of coordination. That move was in keeping with the times and the need for future growth of China-Russia relations. Today, after over ten years, this relationship has grown into a mature, stable and sound state-to-state relationship, as evidenced by our political mutual trust, which has never been so close.

Our practical cooperation has become increasingly fruitful in these 60 years. Our two countries made earnest efforts to explore new ways of mutually-beneficial cooperation. We scaled up bilateral cooperation in economy and trade, and raised the quality and level of such cooperation. Our two-way trade grew at high speed in the past ten years and hit a record high of US$56.8 billion last year. Our cooperation in mutual investment, joint manufacturing and processing and other areas showed sound momentum of growth, and cooperation at local levels was vigorous.

The friendship between our two peoples has steadily deepened in these 60 years. Our peoples are linked by a traditional friendship. We fought alongside each other in the war as comrades-in-arms. In recent years, cultural exchanges between China and Russia have flourished. The "Year of Russia" in China and the "Year of China" in Russia achieved enormous success. And now the "Year of Russian Language" in China has been launched through a series of activities, to be followed by the "Year of Chinese Language" in Russia. These events further promoted mutual understanding and friendship between the Chinese and Russian peoples. In the wake of the devastating earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan Province last year, the Russian people gave great support to the earthquake relief efforts of the Chinese people. President Medvedev even invited more than 1,500 Chinese children to Russia for recuperation. These moves deeply touched the Chinese people and added a new chapter in the history of China-Russia friendship.

China-Russia cooperation in international affairs has further enhanced in these 60 years. China and Russia are both committed to maintaining world peace and stability. In recent years, our two countries have carried out close coordination and collaboration in international and regional affairs, and made unremitting efforts to promote multipolarity in the world and democracy in international relations. China-Russia relations have become an important factor promoting benign interactions among major countries and peace and stability in the region and beyond.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The world today is undergoing major transformation and adjustment. The trend toward a multipolar world and economic globalization is gaining momentum. The international financial crisis is still spreading and deepening, and new problems and challenges keep cropping up. As neighbors, major countries in the world and permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia not only face the primary task of national development, but also shoulder the historic mission of promoting world peace and development. The new circumstances have placed China-Russia relations at a new historical starting point and presented fresh opportunities for their development. We need to work together to map out long-term goals for the growth of China-Russia relations to ensure sound and fast growth of this relationship.

- We should enhance mutual trust and continue to treat each other with all sincerity to consolidate the political basis of China-Russia relations. We should increase political mutual trust, give China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination a priority position on our diplomatic agenda, and continue to add fresh impetus to our bilateral relations.

- We should continue to work for mutual benefit and win-win cooperation to cement the economic foundation of China-Russia relations. We should keep up the sound momentum of practical cooperation in all fields, explore new channels and models of cooperation, expand areas where our interests overlap, deepen economic cooperation and promote common development and prosperity.

- We should deepen our time-honored friendship to enhance popular support for China-Russia relations. We should actively promote exchanges among various social communities of our two countries, and work to increase mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples. On behalf of the Chinese Government, I wish to invite 1,000 Russian children to summer camps in China next year, so that more will join the force to pass on the torch of China-Russia friendship to our future generations.

- We should maintain close coordination and firmly safeguard our strategic and security interests. China and Russia should intensify mutual support, strengthen consultation and cooperation in international and regional affairs, actively counter the impact of the international financial crisis, take an active part in reform in international political, economic and security arenas, and work with the rest of the international community to promote the worthy cause of peace and development of humanity.

The coach of history rolls on, and China-Russia strategic partnership of coordination is blessed with a new opportunity of growth. Let us build on our traditional friendship, carry it forward, deepen strategic coordination, and jointly work for a brighter future of China-Russia relations.

Thank you.



