
英语翻译 2019-07-27 06:12:48 118

Big is bewitching. Before the crunch, the sheer size of some institutions was an encumbrance to rational analysis. As Chuck Prince or Sir Fred Goodwin celebrated double-digit growth in assets, few observers – least of all the respective boards of Citigroup and Royal Bank of Scotland – had the wit or inclination to mine reams of data for structural flaws.

做大是一件令人着迷的事情。金融危机之前,一些机构庞大的规模妨碍了理性分析。当查克·普林斯(Chuck Prince)和弗雷德·古德温爵士(Sir Fred Goodwin)为两位数的资产增长欢庆之际,罕有观察家具有那种头脑或意愿,从大量数据中寻找结构性缺陷——花旗(Citigroup)和苏格兰皇家银行(Royal Bank of Scotland)的分析师们尤其如此。

What, then, to make of Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, now the world\'s biggest bank by any metric you care to mention? No other lender comes close to the bank\'s net income of $5.2bn in the first quarter. Deposits of about $1,400bn have nudged past Japan\'s MUFG and JPMorgan, the bank said last week. Market capitalisation? A whisker away from $200bn. That\'s 60 per cent bigger than the nearest US outfit (JPMorgan), and 11 times bigger than Citi.

But while things seem tickety-boo on the surface – non-performing loans actually fell 2 per cent from the fourth quarter – trouble surely awaits. ICBC almost quadrupled loan volumes in the first quarter, year on year; number two, China Construction Bank, merely tripled them, while at Bank of China they doubled. Similar state-directed lending splurges in the 1990s left companies laden with capital equipment they barely needed, and too much debt. On Deutsche Bank estimates, China\'s stimulus actually needs less than $150bn of annual lending. ICBC supplied two-thirds of that in the first quarter alone. Loan growth is outpacing deposit growth by about 2.5 to 1.
虽然从表面上看,形势一片大好——工行的不良贷款率较去年第四季度实际下降了2%——但未来肯定会有麻烦。工行第一季度的贷款额接近去年同期的4倍;国内第二大银行——中国建设银行仅为去年同期的3倍,而中国银行则为2倍。上世纪90年代同样在国家指令下出现的信贷潮,曾令企业背负了大量基本不需要的资本设备,出现了过高负债。德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)估计,中国的经济刺激计划所需的年贷款额实际上低于1500亿美元。工行仅在第一季度就提供了其中的三分之二。贷款与存款的增长率之比为 2.5:1。

Still, China\'s loan-classification system gives lenders an unusually long period of grace before recognising losses. And the equity valuation is no great stretch: on just over 10 times next year\'s earnings, it is inexpensive both against Asian peers and its historical levels. While faith in China\'s ability to spend its way out of a slump endures, so should ICBC\'s grip on the top spot – however many bogeymen are lurking.

工商银行是全球第一 工商银行全球 中国工商银行全球 工商银行世界第几 工商银行是世界第一吗 工商银行排名 全球第一银行 中国工商银行 为什么中国工商银行


