
英语翻译 2019-07-27 00:13:07 90

Windows 7尽管号称那么好用,但还是需要说明书的,只不过这本用户指南并不在包装盒里。

微软Windows团队今日公布了一份Windows 7产品指南,指导用户使用新的和改进的Windows 7功能,可以帮助您了解系统如何简化日常任务,并告诉IT运营人员如何通过增强的安全和控制,简化PC管理、降低成本,包含XPS和PDF两种格式。


The Windows 7 Product Guide provides a detailed look at the many new and improved features in Windows 7. The guide is designed as an accurate source of information that can help you to understand how Windows 7 Simplifies Everyday Tasks, Works the Way You Want, and Makes New Things Possible. The guide is also designed to provide IT Professionals with information about how to Make People Productive Anywhere, Manage Risk Through Enhanced Security and Control, and Reduce Costs by Streamlining PC Management. This is not a help and how to guide. Rather, it provides an overview of the many exciting features in Windows 7 and pointers to more information. The Windows 7 Product Guide is available in both XPS and PDF formats. 


Win7的产品说明书详细介绍了win7的众多崭新、和改进后的功能。为用户提供了准确的信息以帮助大家了解win7是如何简化了日常工作、以用户希望的方式操控、并能帮助用户实现种种新的可能。同时,这本指南也为专业的IT人员提供了诸多信息,比如如何使人们在任何地方都能高效工作;通过增强的安全措施控制风险;以及通过改进PC管理来减少开支等等。 与其说这是一份“指南”,倒不如说它是win7众多精彩功能的一份“提纲“。该指南同时提供XPS和PDF格式文件下载。

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