
英语翻译 2019-07-27 00:12:52 126

Excellencies, Dignitaries,


It is an honour for me to address you at this important event in my capacity of Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, the authoritative voice of the United Nations on weather, climate and water.


I should like to congratulate the Chinese Authorities for organizing this exceptional World Expo 2010 which is a historical "first" in many respects. World Expo 2010 brings together many people from all over the world, including High-level Authorities, policy-makers, decision-makers and experts, who will exchange knowledge and experience to share visions and projects for building "better cities for better life". It is the first time in history of World Expo that a pavilion is entirely devoted to weather and climate. Meteoland is a joint pavilion of the China Meteorological Administration and the World Meteorological Organization. The pavilion Meteoland illustrates how making use of weather and climate information brings about better life in better cities.


We all need to learn more about our future. We all need to build strong mechanisms and adapt to the changing climate conditions and improve our collective response to extreme weather and prevent natural disasters. On behalf of the international meteorological and hydrological community, I should like to express our profound gratitude to the People\'s Republic of China National Organizing Committee of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai. Better quality of life in cities is intertwined with weather, climate and water. You have offered WMO and its Members, and partner organizations, a unique opportunity to focus with the China Meteorological Administration on issues which are vital for the future of humanity. Cities require sustainable economic growth and social development to feed, educate and employ the men and women living in them. In taking the lead in organizing such an unprecedented global event which comes at a moment of strong interest in new technology and innovatitve approaches in preparing for the future, China provides a unique opportunity to shape "better cities and better life".


青年协会成立致辞 模拟联合国开幕式致辞 世博会在哪 世博会 世博会是什么 世博会下一次在哪 世博会和世园会 世博会时间 网上世博会


