
英语翻译 2019-07-26 18:13:02 278

1. 英语中很多-er或者-or结尾的词在翻译时未必要翻译成某个身份,很多时候可以转移成动词。

例句:Well before his death, Peter Drucker had already become a legend. Over his 95 prolific years, he had been a true Renaissance man, and teacher of religion, philosophy and political science.

2. 英语中同一个意思或同一个结构在前文中提过之后,后文尝尝省略,翻译成汉语需要加词。

例句:But his most important contribution, clearly, is in business. What John Keynes is to economics, Druckers is to management.

3. 英语中很多介词短语有动作的意味,可转移成具体化的动词。英语当中有些不加数量词的名词复数,翻译到汉语需要加“各个”、“各种”等,从而体现复数形式。如world governments需翻译成“世界各国政府”。

例句:In a 1984 essay he persuasively argued that CEO pay had rocketed out of control and implored boards to hold CEO compensation to no more than 20 times what the rank and file made.
翻译:1984 年,他在一篇文章中有力地说明企业首席行政官的薪酬之高已近失控,并强烈建议各公司的董事会将其首席执行官的报酬控制在普通员工的二十倍以内。

4. 英语常用抽象名词作主语,翻译到汉语时,往往需要抽取或添加具体化的名词做主语。

例句:He maintained that multi-million-dollar severance packages had perverted management\'s ability to look out anything but itself.

5. 汉语中很多范畴词如局面、情形、局势、问题等,翻译到英语时有时要省译。汉语常有同义反复的情况,翻译到英语时,同一语法位置上重复表达的意思往往可以省译。

翻译:The Chinese government attaches great importance to environmental protection. It believes that environmental protection has a bearing on the overall situation of China’s modernization drive and its long-term development and that it is an undertaking which will not only benefit the Chinese people of today but also those in the future.

6. 汉语的宾语如果是动词短语或者分句,翻译到英语的宾语时,往往需要转移成名词性的。

翻译:The Chinese government has established environmental protection as a basic national policy. While promoting economic growth, it has adopted a series of measures to protect the environment. Especially in recent years, adhering to the principle of prevention first, comprehensive control, entire push-on and key-point breakthrough, Chinese government has made great efforts to solve those outstanding environmental problems that threaten people’s health. It has persisted in institutional innovation, relied on technological advances, strengthened the role of law in environmental protection and brought into full play the initiative of various sectors of the society.


1. 我们要前后贯通,整体把握。特别要注意一些英语中的特殊结构,比如倒装结构、分隔结构、比较结构、并列结构等,错误的把握结构极易造成理解的错误和翻译中的失误。

2. 要灵活变通。我们在翻译的时候要注意汉语和英语的不同特点,适当加以转换。建议在翻译完之后,可以自己通读一遍自己的译文,看看自己的中文是否通顺,检查英文的语法错误等。

3. 直译意译要把握好分寸。对于一些自己难以表达的部分,可以采用意译。四是要学会长句的处理和拆分重组。英语句子重形合,往往用连接词、介词、定语从句等表示各部分的语法关系,翻译的时候要学会拆分长句;而汉语重意合,结构松散自由,翻译的时候要学会重组。这样做的目的,都是为了让我们的翻译更加地道。

4. 在考前,可以对相关词汇和背景知识做一定的积累。翻译考试每年都在变化,政治、经济、科技、农业、教育和环保都有可能涉及到,对于一些热点词汇大家要留心记忆。总的来说,翻译是最考察基本功的,唯有练习才能提高。

考前答疑是什么 建造师考前答疑 初级会计师考前答疑及考试技巧 翻译口译考试 考前答疑 中考数学考前答疑 中考数学考前指导 中考数学考前打气 补考答疑什么意思


