
英语翻译 2019-07-26 18:13:02 84


Distinguished guests, colleagues, fellow citizens,


Today marks the 13th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People\'s Republic of China. I am honoured to celebrate this historic occasion with you all.


Just a week ago, the Legislative Council passed one of the most important motions since our reunification with the Mainland, that is, the amendments to the methods for selecting the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council in 2012 to make them more democratic. I gave my formal consent to the amendments two days ago. The passage of the political reform package marks a decisive step towards democracy and the goal of universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020. It lays down a milestone in our democratic development and is indeed the result of concerted efforts by many Hong Kong people. It is the best gift as we celebrate our reunification.


The past year has been a time of challenges and opportunities. Our economy has picked up following the global financial tsunami. We did our very best to contain the spread of human swine influenza. Our athletes achieved their best ever results in the East Asian Games staged here in Hong Kong at the end of last year. We seized every opportunity arising from our ever-growing economic integration with the Mainland. For example, we have been expanding renminbi business in Hong Kong and we have signed the Framework Agreement on Hong Kong / Guangdong Cooperation to enhance collaboration between the two places on all fronts.


Still, there is much work left for us to do in addressing economic and livelihood issues. The Government will listen carefully to the community and respond to the aspirations and the needs of our citizens.


The other day, I spoke to a woman who operates a restaurant in SoHo. She told me the key to success in running her business is to "work with one\'s heart". Her words touched me. They\'re enforced my belief that if all of us do every task with all our heart and give our best, we can look forward to a very promising future.


Now, please join me in a toast. To a better and brighter future for Hong Kong and our country!

香港第二任行政长官是谁 香港行政长官 香港曾英权 香港港督 香港前特首曾萌权现况 香港特区行政长官是谁 香港回归 历届香港行政长官 香港特首董先生


