
英语翻译 2019-07-26 12:13:06 111



Since the founding of the People\'s Republic, and especially since the start of reform and opening up more than 30 years ago, profound changes have taken place in China, a big, ancient country in the East. Its economic and overall national strength has substantially increased. The livelihood of its people has markedly improved. Its social and cultural programs have made considerable progress. And its exchanges and cooperation with the outside world have kept expanding. In sum, my country has made a historic leap from mere subsistence to moderate prosperity.

中华人民共和国成立—— the founding of the People\'s Republic of China
改革开放—— reform and opening up
中国这个古老的东方大国—— China, a big, ancient country in the east. 这里处理为同位语的形式,非常简洁
翻天覆地的变化—— profound changes. 不需要用很花俏的词,profound就很好,或者再简单一些的,great, amazing之类的
综合国力—— overall/ comprehensive national strength
社会文明程度—— social and cultural programs
温饱—— mere subsistence
小康—— moderate prosperity, well-to-do life/ society, well-off society
历史性跨越—— make a historic leap
大幅、大大、显著等表示程度大的词—— considerable, markedly, dramatically, evidently, remarkably, spanking, notly


We in China are proud of our achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts. At the same time, we are clear-headed about our place and role in today\'s world.

艰苦奋斗—— strenuous efforts
清醒认识—— clear-headed about, clear about,也可以用更加常见的we are fully aware of 句型

【considerably, markedly, dramatically, evidently, remarkably, spanking, notly】


He keeps his apartment spanking clean.
The bathroom tiles were spanking white when she finished cleaning them.

1: remarkable of its kind:a spanking and speedy little horse 出色的
2: being fresh and strong:a spanking breeze 清爽的风


坚韧不拔:persistent and dauntless

另外“艰苦奋斗”如果作为动词使用,可以说:strive painstakingly/arduously/unrelentingly to achieve……



