
英语翻译 2019-07-26 06:12:58 103

First of all, the exchanges and dialogues between civilizations and their harmonious coexistence have inspired us to undertake a new mission for Confucius Institutes down the road. Today\'s world is in an era with in-depth development of the world multipolarization, economic globalization and stronger trends of peace, development and cooperation. Meanwhile, we also feel the profound impact from the international financial crisis and, more prominently, from the global challenges such as the climate change, food security, energy and resource security, public health threats, and major natural disasters. As a member of the "global village", no country can stand immune or deal with the challenges alone.


1.为....赋予了新使命 undertake a new mission for

2.世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展 indepth development of the world multipolarization, economic globalization


3.同时 more prominently



  climate change, food security, energy and resource security

5.作为“地球村”的一员,每个国家对这些问题既不能置之度外,也难以独自解决。  As a member of the "global village", no country can stand immune or deal with the challenges alone.



To tackle such common challenges, all countries need to stay together and work closely for a harmonious world and push for dialogues, exchanges and tolerance between and among civilizations. Mutual learning and exchanges of languages and cultures are important ways to enhance the communication and understanding among nations in order to build a harmonious world featuring sustained peace and common prosperity. Confucius Institutes are committed to the global Chinese language education, to meeting the demands of people around the world to learn Chinese, and to the exchange of languages across cultures between China and other countries. Needless to day, Confucius Institutes have a unique and glorious role to play.


1.应对共同挑战 tackle such common challenges

2.同舟共济、密切合作 stay together and work closely for

3.构建持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界    build a harmonious world featuring sustained peace and common prosperity

4.致力于 be committed to

5.优势独特,使命光荣 have a unique and glorious role to play

主旨演讲稿 演讲稿没有主旨 个人主旨演讲 主旨演讲不看稿 五四主旨演讲稿 爱情主旨的演讲稿 宋词主旨演讲稿 演讲稿 诗词演讲稿


