
英语翻译 2019-07-26 06:12:51 91


The year 2010 has been an important year for the overall world economy to emerge from the shadow of the financial crisis and embark on the track of recovery. Reform of the international economic system has gathered momentum, while multilateralism and win-win cooperation have won greater popular support. On the other hand, the world economic recovery remains fragile and uneven. Global challenges such as climate change, energy security, food security and disaster prevention and reduction have become more pronounced. Hotspot issues have heated up from time to time, and factors bearing on peace and development have got more complex and diverse. In the face of complex and profound changes on the world scene, all countries have worked hard to pursue peace through cooperation and promote development through enhanced stability, displaying a strong resolve to meet challenges with concerted efforts.

摆脱阴霾—— emerge from the shadow
金融危机—— financial crisis
国际经济体系—— international economic system
多边主义—— multilateralism
互利共赢—— win-win cooperation
                         (延伸)互利合作—— mutually beneficial cooperation
                                    平等互利—— equality and mutual benefit
                                    双赢战略—— win-win strategy
深入人心—— win great popular support
脆弱性—— fragility(n.), fragile(adj.) 词性转换是常用的翻译技巧
不平衡性—— imbalance(n.), uneven(adj.)
气候变化—— climate change
能源安全—— energy security
粮食安全—— food security
防灾减灾—— disaster prevention and reduction
热点问题—— hotspot issues
升温—— heat up
和衷共济—— make a concerted effort

          bear off —— 赢得;驶离                     bear on—— 靠在…上;对…产生影响
          bear out —— 证明,证实                     bear away—— 夺取;改变航道
          bear up——支撑,支持住                    bear down—— 克服;全力以赴
               The Taiwan issue is China\'s core interest as it bears on the country\'s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

       例:1. 面对复杂多变的国际形势,我国坚持奉行独立自主的和平外交政策。
                  In the face of the complex and volatile international situation,China has adhered to its independent foreign policy of peace.
              2. 国际形势正在发生复杂而深刻的变化。
                  The international situation is undergoing complex and profound changes.



