
英语翻译 2019-07-26 00:13:06 132

Right Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal, Honorable Minister Mr. G. S. Bhusal,
Mr. Dipak Sarkar, President of Nepal World Culture Net,
Mr. Jing Dunquan, Vice Chairman of the Chinese People\'s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries,
Distinguished guests, Excellencies, friends,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning.

I am very pleased to attend the opening ceremony of the Intensive Multi Perspective Seminar on Nepal-China relations: Past, Present and Future on this very day which commemorates the establishment of diplomatic ties between Nepal and China. Right Honorable Prime Minister Mr. Jhala Nath Khanal attend today\'s function from your busy schedule along with many other Nepali friends. It shows the Nepali side attaches great importance to China-Nepal relations. I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude towards this.

Nepal and China are linked by mountains and rivers, and the two peoples enjoy friendship for generations. 56 years ago, it was on this day when China and Nepal established diplomatic relations. Looking back on 56 years of history, no matter how international and domestic situation changed, China-Nepal relations have maintained healthy and smooth development. And I think there are mainly three reasons:

一是中尼友好历史悠久,基础广泛。相传两千多年前,文殊菩萨从中国五台山来到尼泊尔,劈山排水,造就了加德满都河谷。这个美丽的传说,从一 个侧面反映了两国人民对中尼友好的向往。作为有记载的历史,中尼友好交往可追溯到七世纪中叶,从那时起,中尼之间就开始互遣友好使者。中国的高僧法显、玄 奘,尼泊尔的尺尊公主、阿尼哥等成为两国人民流传至今的历史佳话。中尼友好不断传承,深入人心。虽然我到尼泊尔才短短一个多月时间,已经深刻感受到尼社会 各界对华兄弟般的感情。
First, China-Nepal friendship is historic and broad-based. There is a beautiful legend that a Chinese bodhisattva came to Nepal and opened Kathmandu Valley. According to the historic record, as early as 1500 years ago, Nepal and China enjoyed friendly exchanges. The historical stories of the Chinese monk Fa Xian, Xuan Zang, and Nepal’s Princess Bhrukuti, Architect Arniko are still popular among the two peoples. The friendship between China and Nepal has been inherited deeply in the two peoples’ heart. Although I have been in Nepal only over one-month time, I have deeply sensed the brotherly feelings from the Nepali people towards China.

Second, China and Nepal share mutual respect and treat each other equally. Based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, our bilateral relations have developed with respecting each other’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interfere in internal affairs, and mutual trust has been growing constantly.

Third, we take care of each other\'s core concerns. Each government of Nepal firmly sticks to the one-China principle, recognizing Tibet and Taiwan are inalienable parts of Chinese territory. The Chinese Government has been supporting Nepal\'s peace, stability and development, and is willing to continue to provide assistance within its capacity.

2009年,尼时任总理尼帕尔成功访华,两国领导人一致同意建立中尼世代友好的全面合作伙伴关系,实现了双边关系的又一次提升。此后,两国 高层互访更加频繁。两国各领域交流与合作全面发展。2010年,两国贸易额达7.44亿美元,比上年增长80%。2011年1-5月,中国公民访尼人数达 1.89万人次,比去年增长40%。
In 2009, state leaders of the two countries agreed to establish China-Nepal Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership featuring ever-lasting friendship and bring the bilateral relations to a new height. Since then, high-level visits between the two countries are more frequent. The exchanges and cooperation in various fields have developed comprehensively. In 2010, our bilateral trade volume amounted to 744 million dollars, up 80% over the previous year. In the first five months of 2011, the number of Chinese citizens visiting Nepal reached 18,900, 40 % more than last year.

随着尼走向和平与稳定,中尼关系发展面临更大机遇。我认为,双方可从以下几方面着重努力:一是政治上,加强高层互访,不断增进政治互信,进 一步夯实两国友好合作的政治基础。二是经济上,在水电、农业、旅游和基础设施建设等领域开展更多的务实合作,同时继续加快两国间的陆路通道建设,将两国间 的经济联系得更紧密。三是扩大在文化、青年、妇女、党际等方面的交往,传承和提升两国人民间的友好情谊。
With Nepal’s moving toward peace and stability, China-Nepal relations face greater opportunities. In my opinion, both sides can focus their efforts on the following aspects: first, politically, we should strengthen high-level visits, increase mutual political trust and further consolidate the political foundation of bilateral friendship and cooperation. Second, we should engage in more pragmatic cooperation in areas such as economy, hydropower, agriculture, tourism and infrastructure. Meanwhile, we should continue to accelerate the construction of transportation means between the two countries so that the economic ties between the two countries can be closer. Third, we should further expand cultural, youth, women, and inter-party exchanges, so as to consolidate and enhance the friendship between the two peoples.

立足中尼关系的过往和现在,我对中尼关系的未来充满信心。中方一直愿同尼泊尔一道,以自身的发展为世界和平、稳定与繁荣做出更大的贡献。作 为新任驻尼大使,我愿尽我所能,与尼方一道,为实现中尼两国的发展与繁荣,为深化两国世代友好的全面合作伙伴关系而奋斗,不断开创两国更加美好的未来。
Considering the bilateral relations in the past and present, I am confident in the future of China-Nepal relations. China would like to work together with Nepal to make more contribution to world peace, stability and prosperity. As the new ambassador to Nepal, I will try my best to work together with Nepali side to achieve development and prosperity for bilateral Comprehensive Cooperative Partnership featuring ever-lasting friendship and create a better future between the two countries.

Finally, I wish the seminar a complete success and make great achievements! May the friendship between China and Nepal last forever!

Thank you.

尼泊尔大使 尼泊尔大使李德标 尼泊尔驻华大使 中国尼泊尔大使 驻尼泊尔中国大使 美驻尼泊尔大使 尼泊尔大使侯艳琪 中国驻尼泊尔历任大使 尼泊尔


