
英语翻译 2019-07-26 00:13:05 92

Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good evening! On behalf of the Chinese Mission to the EU and the Chinese Embassy in Belgium, I warmly welcome you on the 62nd Anniversary of the People\'s Republic of China.

今年以来,世界政治经济形势继续发生重大而深刻的变化。部分地区局势动荡,金融危机深层次影响持续显现。在这一背景下,中国继续深化改革, 着力解决发展中不平衡、不协调、不可持续的问题,实现政治上的稳定,经济上的又好又快发展。中国上半年国内生产总值实现9.6%的增长,城镇新增就业 655万人,前8个月财政收入同比增长30.9%,居民收入稳步提高,各项社会事业蓬勃发展。
This year, we witnessed some major and profound changes in international politics and world economy. We\'ve seen disturbances in some regions and after-effects of the financial crisis. Despite such externalities, China carried on with its reform and opening up and made harder effort towards balanced, coordinated and sustainable development. Political stability and economic growth have been maintained. People\'s income is growing. Social infrastructure is improving. Fiscal revenue increased by 30.9% in the first eight months. China\'s GDP was up by 9.6% in the first half of the year, and 6.55 million new jobs were created.

无论形势如何发展变化,中国始终坚持走和平发展道路。不久前,中国发布了《中国的和平发展》白皮书,再次向世界郑重确认了这一方针。和平发 展是中国这个世界最大的发展中国家探索出的一条新型发展道路,已上升为中国的国家意志,转化为国家发展规划,也落实到广泛实践中。今年来,中国稳步推进同 各国的友好互利合作,积极参与全球经济治理机制建设,推动国际金融体系改革,参与各国宏观经济政策协调和国际金融合作,以各种形式向陷入困境的国家伸出援 手,为世界经济稳定发展作出重要贡献。
However the world changes, China remains committed to peaceful development. This commitment was solemnly reaffirmed in a recently released white paper. Peaceful development is a unique path, a path newly explored by China, the world\'s largest developing country. It has become the will of state. It\'s enshrined in the national strategy. It\'s already been put in practice. This year, China continued to promote friendly and mutually beneficial cooperation with our partners. We\'ve been actively involved in global economic governance, financial cooperation, macroeconomic policy coordination, and the reform of international financial institutions. For countries that are caught in difficulties, China offered its assistance through various forms, making an important contribution to the stability and growth of the world economy.

经过30多年的发展,中欧全方位、宽领域、多层次的合作格局更加成熟与稳固。今年来,中欧关系实现了新的超越。范龙佩先生作为首任欧洲理事 会主席首次访华,与中方就结合中国“十二五”规划和“欧洲2020战略”推动中欧合作发展达成重要共识。中欧第二轮高级别战略对话成功举行,中欧青年交流 年顺利启动。今年1至8月,双方贸易额同比增长了21.8%,双向投资和技术合作加速发展。下半年,中欧将迎来第十四次中欧领导人会晤和第四次经贸高层对 话等一系列重大活动。我们愿同欧方一道,充分利用好这些契机,推动中欧关系在更新、更高水平上取得更大发展。
Thanks to our common effort over more than three decades, China and the EU have established a broad, all-directional, and multi-tiered cooperation structure that constantly grows and consolidates with new breakthroughs. This year, President Van Rompuy of the European Council paid his first official visit to China, where the two sides reached important agreements on furthering our cooperation through coordinating China\'s 12th Five Year Plan and Europe\'s 2020 Strategy. The second China-EU High-Level Strategic Dialogue and the EU-China Year of Youth also record great success. Our trade was up by 21.8% in the first eight months, while two-way investment and technological cooperation kept growing at a fast speed. In the remainder of the year, we\'ll work closely with the EU partners to make sure that the upcoming 14th China-EU Summit and 4th High Level Economic and Trade Dialogue (HED) will conclude with strong impetus to promote our relations to a new height.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A growing China-EU relationship serves our mutual interest, but at the same time requires our input and support. I sincerely hope that everyone here tonight will render your support and become envoys of our friendship and contributors to our cooperation.

为来宾们、朋友们的健康, 干杯!
Now, I wish to propose a toast:
To the 62nd anniversary of the People\'s Republic of China,
To the prosperity and the welfare of our peoples,
To our friendship and cooperation, and
To the health and happiness of all,

欧盟驻华大使 驻欧盟大使肖卫望 驻欧盟大使什么级别 欧盟大使 驻欧盟大使 欧盟大使馆 驻欧盟大使发言 欧盟 欧盟驻华使馆


