
英语翻译 2019-07-26 00:12:59 106
Anthony, distinguished guests and speakers, ladies and gentlemen, 胡定旭主席、尊敬的各位嘉宾,女士们先生们:

Thank you very much for this opportunity to join you today, and to share with you some of my thoughts on leadership. 很高兴今日有机会和大家分享我对领袖之道的看法。

Leadership is but a single word, and yet it encompasses so much. 领袖这个词语只有两个字,但包含的意义非常丰富。

Anyone who is married — in particular those who have shared a long and happy marriage — will know that even in the home environment leadership is required on a daily, sometimes even hourly, basis. Now, many of us men like to think that we are the head of the household and the family leader. And that’s certainly true… but only for as long as our wives let us think we are! 在座的已婚人士,特别是婚姻长久而幸福的朋友,一定明白家中时刻都需要领袖主持大局。现今的男士一般都认为自己是一家之主。这当然是千真万确的…要是我们的太太同意的话。

And anyone who has had the good fortune to enjoy a happy married life and a loving family environment will also know that it involves a lot of love, a lot of trust, a lot of patience, a lot of communication, a lot of perseverance — basically a lot of hard work. But the results far outweigh the effort. And I think it is true that many of the lessons — sometimes hard lessons — we learn at home can be applied in any discussion on leadership. Confucius once said:  “The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” 要维系愉快婚姻和美满家庭,大家要付出大量的爱和信任,努力沟通和忍耐。简而言之,就是要不懈努力。幸好,收获往往会比付出多。我相信,我们在家里学到的,亦可应用于领袖的讨论。孔子说:“欲治其国者先齐其家”,就是这个道理。


1. distinguished: 卓越的,尊敬的。典型的外交辞令哦~~

例句:The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge. 这位科学家在许多知识领域中都是杰出的。

2. share with sb. something.


3. in particular. 特别,尤其。

Is there anything in particular you\'d like for dinner? 正餐你有什么特别喜欢的菜吗?

in a particular condition则是怀孕的意思,不要误解哦~~

4. But the results far outweigh the effort.

 outweigh: 比···重要,有价值。再如:

The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages in this case.


5. apply in: 应用。易混词组:apply for: 申请。

6. The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.


derive from:起源于。


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