
英语翻译 2019-07-25 18:13:26 330

Your Excellency Mr. Ajay Maken, Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports,
Honorable Ms. Sinddhushree Khullar, Secretary of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good afternoon!

I am very glad to welcome you all to the Chinese Embassy. I must say this is the first time for us to receive and entertain such a big group of Indian friends. Before you start your journey to China, on behalf of the Chinese Embassy in India, I want to express our best wishes to all of you. Wish you a very pleasant, interesting, rewarding and memorable visit.

去年温家宝总理访问印度期间,宣布2011年为“中印交流年”。这次访问就是“交流年”的重要项目,目的在于随着两国人民接触与交往的增 多,进一步促进中印青年之间的交流。这是两国领导人为中印关系发展的未来奠定坚实基础的战略举措。你们都是亲善大使,可以在未来岁月里扮演促进双边关系发 展的重要角色。
Your visit to China is a major event of the Year of Exchange between China and India in 2011, announced by our leaders during the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao\'s visit to India last year. The visit is intended to further expand the youth exchange in keeping with the overall growing people-to-people contact and exchanges between our two countries. This is a strategic move of our leaders aiming at building solid foundation for the future of our relationship. You are all goodwill ambassadors who can play important role in the development of the bilateral relationship between China and India in the years to come.

中印是近邻,两国有着浓厚的历史和文化渊源。在过去两千多年里,彼此相互影响、相互借鉴,都对世界文明发展做出了巨大贡献。你们也许听说或 了解中国近年的发展情况。在过去几十年,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化。此次你们将访问北京、上海、广州和其他省市。像印度一样,中国是个幅员辽阔的国家。每 个地区都有其独特的人文特点。作为发展中国家,中国各地的发展水平不一。你们会发现有的地区很发达,有的地区处于发展中阶段,还有些地区欠发达。中国有句 名言:百闻不如一见。此行为你们提供了亲身观察中国的宝贵机会。根据自己的亲眼所见,亲耳所闻,特别是通过与中国各行各业人士的直接接触,你们会更好的理 解中国,得出自己的结论。
As a close neighbor of India, China shares strong historical and cultural connections with India. We are mutually influenced and complemented each other over more than 2000 years. Both have made great contribution to the development of world civilization. You may have learned and read much about China\'s recent development. Over past few decades, China has undergone tremendous changes. Your visit will take you to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other parts of China. Like India, China is a vast country. Each region has its unique human and cultural characteristics. As a developing Country, the level of development in China differs from place to place. You will see some areas are very developed and some are in the process of developing, while others are still under­-developed. As saying goes: Seeing is believing. This trip will offer you a valuable opportunity to see China with your own eyes. Based on what you have seen and what you have heard, especially through your direct contacts with people from all walks of life in China, you will have a better understanding about China and arrive at your own conclusion.

此访也为两国青年互动提供了一个良好机会。中国的年轻人十分希望了解印度。他们思想开放,可能会向你们提出许多问题。当然你们也可与之共同 探讨感兴趣的问题。此外,这还是了解两国文化的好机会。昨天,我们观看了你们准备在中国表演的精彩节目。我相信中国人民一定会喜欢印度丰富多彩的舞蹈和歌 曲。我听说你们代表团成员来自不同行业。我希望你们在访华期间能够结交新朋友,年轻的企业家也可以找到中国的合作伙伴。
Your visit will also provide a good opportunity for youth of two countries to interact with each other. The youth in China are very keen about India. They are open-minded and may raise a lot of questions to you. You also can feel free to discuss issues of your interest with them. Apart from that, it is also a good opportunity to appreciate the culture of the two countries. Yesterday we saw excellent performances you plan to bring to China. I\'m pretty sure that people in China will fall in love with colorful Indian dances and songs. I have learnt that among the members of the delegation there are people from different professions. I hope during your visit, you will make new friends in China. For those young entrepreneurs can also find partners for cooperation.

China and India are two fast growing economies. Our strategic cooperative partnership is developing in an all-round manner. I am confident, with the joint efforts of two countries, especially the support of the youth of two countries, our bilateral relations will grow stronger and stronger.

With this note I wish you a pleasant journey to China.

Thank you.

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