
英语翻译 2019-07-25 12:13:51 89

Thank you very much, Party Secretary Li, for the introduction and for the great hospitality that you and President Tashpolat have extended to me this morning. Thank you very much.

I also want to thank Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office, Mr. Song, for all the great hospitality and all the arrangements for our very first visit to Xinjiang.

But to the students and the staff and the faculty and all of those attending here this morning: “Ni Hao” and “As-salaam-Alaikum”.

It’s really a pleasure to be here at this great institution of learning and to have in front of me here just a sample of the future leaders of China in business, in government, in the sciences, the arts, and in academia.


I’m here as part of an official visit. It’s the first official visit of an Ambassador from the United States in more than 20 years, and I come with a trade delegation focusing on energy, clean energy, efficiency in energy, as well as transportation, especially the rail sector. We’re here because we want Xinjiang to fully realize its great potential in terms of its mineral resources, but we also want to focus on the human resources, the people of Xinjiang as well, and that’s why we’re here at this university.

For centuries Xinjiang has served as a commercial and cultural center since the Silk Road of ancient times, a vibrant link between the East and West, and this region presents boundless opportunities for further cooperation and engagement between the United States and China.

I want to make sure that we leave plenty of time for any questions that you might have, but I’ve often been asked what makes America so special, so great? I really believe that the secret to our success is the diversity of our people and of our different cultures. So I’d like to tell you really just a little bit about my family history because I think the story of our family from China to the United States is really the story of America.

My grandfather actually came to the United States in the late 1800s and worked as a servant for a family in the state capital close to Seattle, Washington, on the Pacific Ocean. I say on the Pacific, because many people think of the State of Washington as associated with Washington, DC. Washington, DC is on the Atlantic Ocean; Washington State is on the Pacific Ocean.

My grandfather swept floors and washed dishes in exchange for English lessons. He came to the United States as a teenager, and eventually he returned to China, where he got married, where my aunts and uncles including my father was born. As was the custom, my grandfather came back to the United States, worked, and supported the family by sending money back to Guangdong Province.

Eventually he went back to Guangdong Province and brought my dad and my aunts and uncles to the United States, so my father came to the United States also as a teenager. He then joined the United States Army just before the outbreak of World War II, and after the war was over he went back to China, met my mom in Hong Kong where they got married, and then brought my mom to the United States.

When I was growing up, I never thought I’d enter into government service. I actually thought that I might be a teacher or I might be an urban planner, and because I love the outdoors, I actually thought I would be a forest ranger and be a forester.

My parents wanted me to study medicine or engineering, but I decided I wanted to pursue a degree in law.

From law I got involved in politics, and eventually I was elected the Governor of the State of Washington -- the first Asian-American Governor on the mainland United States; the first Chinese-American Governor in the history of the United States.

When I was sworn in as the Governor of the State of Washington I moved into the Governor’s residence, or what we call the Governor’s mansion, which was literally one mile from the house where my grandfather had served as a servant. During my inauguration I joked that it took our family 100 years to travel one mile -- from the house where my grandfather was a servant to the house where the Governor of the State of Washington lived.

But our family story is really the story of hundreds of millions of Americans from all around the world who came to the United States in pursuit of freedom and in pursuit of opportunity.

America is really a land of immigrants, whether first generation or fourth generation, whether our ancestors came from China or Ireland or France or Germany or Japan or Brazil. America is a land of immigrants who came to that country in pursuit of freedom and opportunity.

The Chinese first came to the United States in the mid 1800s to help finish the American Transcontinental Railroad. They then stayed to work in the gold mines, the lumber camps, and actually served as the merchants in some of the great cities of the West Coast, from San Francisco to Los Angeles to Seattle, and of course they settled in cities like New York.

Wave after wave of immigrants from around the world have contributed to the prosperity of America and brought new ideas, new customs, and new cultures that have constantly made America fresh and young.

Not all immigrant groups have been welcomed with open arms, and America has a history of discrimination and struggle. We don’t ever profess to be perfect, but we’re constantly trying to improve ourselves. Now people of all different ethnic groups occupy the highest positions in government, in business, in finance, in academia, the arts and culture. Of course we elected the very first African-American President in the history of the United States, an event that I wasn’t sure that I would ever see before I died.

So as we now celebrate our diversity, we need to celebrate the connections of diverse people all around the world. Because diversity of ideas, diversities of language, diversities of culture from China to the United States to Eastern Europe to Africa, that is going to be the source of innovation and creativity in the years ahead. That’s why our two peoples, the Chinese people and the American people, must understand each other and we have to have more exchanges among our government leaders, our business leaders, and our students.

I’m proud of the great contributions that China has made to world civilization over thousands of years. The invention of paper, the compass, the printing press, the clock. And I’m greatly proud of the contributions of America in terms of medicine and science and technology and our values of freedom and openness.

The world is counting on leadership from both the United States and China joining together to solve some of the toughest problems facing the entire globe, from climate change to diseases, to nuclear proliferation, to famine. The world is looking for that leadership from China and the United States. And if we are to tackle some of these pressing issues we first have to have greater understanding among our peoples.

So we hope that you will visit the United States as a tourist or for further studies, and we want to encourage more American students and more Americans in general to visit China.

We want you to succeed. We want you to help China grow and prosper. We want you to help solve the pressing problems that the world faces today.

Thank you very much for having me here, and I look forward to answering any questions that you might have. Thank you.



