
英语翻译 2019-07-25 06:13:42 80

Joint Press Release of the ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting

The ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam on 30 June 2013.

The Ministers highlighted the achievements made since the establishment of ASEAN-China Strategic Partnership 10 years ago, and agreed to enhance political mutual trust, strengthen cooperation in various fields, further enrich the strategic partnership and move ASEAN-China relationship to a higher level.

The two sides agreed to maintain engagement at all levels on bilateral and multilateral occasions, and ensure the successful outcome of the 16th ASEAN-China Summit to be held in Brunei Darussalam in October 2013 and the 10th ASEAN-China Expo to be held in Nanning, China in September 2013. The Ministers looked forward to attending the Special ASEAN-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in China this August.


The two sides agreed to advance trade facilitation, deepen industrial cooperation, increase mutual investment and jointly upgrade ASEAN-China Free Trade Area (FTA), as well as actively push forward the negotiations of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) for the interest of greater economic integration of East Asia.

The two sides agreed to step up regional infrastructure connectivity and actively facilitate the setting up of a financing platform for Asia’s infrastructure development, and proposed holding a special ASEAN-China transport ministers’ meeting within this year. China reiterated its support to the implementation of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity.

The two sides agreed to make good use of the ASEAN-China Maritime Cooperation Fund, promote practical cooperation in fishery, maritime connectivity, marine science and technology, disaster prevention and reduction, and navigation safety and search and rescue, and make maritime cooperation a new highlight in ASEAN-China Cooperation.

The two sides proposed setting the year 2014 as the ASEAN-China Cultural Exchange Year and establishing ASEAN-China Entrepreneur Association and ASEAN-China Youth Association.

The Ministers welcomed the fruitful exchanges and reiterated the importance of cooperation between ASEAN countries and China on maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, and stressed the importance of full and effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) and the need to steadily move towards the conclusion of a code of conduct in the South China Sea (COC) on the basis of consensus.

The Ministers welcomed the convening of the 6th SOM and the 9th JWG on the implementation of the DOC in China in September 2013, during which all parties will have in-depth exchange of views on the full and effective implementation of DOC and enhance maritime cooperation, and at the same time, will have the official consultations on the COC within the framework of the implementation of the DOC. The Ministers also agreed that steps will be taken to establish an Eminent Persons and Experts Group (EPEG) and/or other mechanisms to provide support to the above official consultations. The Ministers shared the view that ASEAN countries and China have the resolve and ability to make the South China Sea an area of peace, friendship and cooperation.

东盟总部为什么在南宁 东盟会 中国东盟联合演练 新闻稿代写 东盟 东盟卡 东盟联会 东盟联合商会 东盟联合银行


