
英语翻译 2019-07-25 00:13:35 162

Fact Sheet on U.S.-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE)


Beijing, China

中国 北京

July 10, 2014


On July 9-10, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong co-chaired the fifth annual U.S.-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE). The CPE aims to enhance and strengthen ties between the citizens of the United States and China and has done so over the past four years in the areas of culture, education, science and technology, sports, and women’s issues. This year, the two sides agreed to add a sixth area of people-to-people exchange: health.


Culture: Since the re-establishment of official bilateral relations in 1979, cultural exchanges have played an important role in people-to-people engagement between the United States and China. At today’s meeting, the culture working group decided to continue its outreach efforts to young and diverse audiences through the humanities and performing and visual arts and to continue cooperation between cultural institutions, representatives, and scholars.


• Exchanges: The U.S. Department of State will continue to promote mutual understanding by hosting exchanges through programs such as the American Film Showcase, American Music Abroad, DanceMotion USA, a residency at the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, the Museums Connect Program, and the Youth Leadership Program.


• U.S.-China Cultural Exchange Agreement: The Chinese Ministry of Culture and the U.S. Department of State agreed to renew the Implementing Accord for Cultural Exchange for 2014-2018.



• Official Exchange of Delegations: The U.S. and China agreed to organize the second of the two official delegation visits between the two countries to allow cultural representatives to learn about each other’s cultural administrative system and explore opportunities to strengthen future exchange and cooperation.


• Continued Cooperation with the Private Sector: People-to-people programs continue to thrive under the cooperation of our private sector partners. The United States welcomed new CPE private sector participants, including Carnegie Hall, the National China Garden Foundation, the National Geographic Society, and the Richmond Ballet.


Education: The robust educational relationship between the United States and China is helping both countries build a stronger foundation for our overall bilateral relationship. Cooperation between our educational institutions continues to expand, including in new partnerships with Historically Black Colleges and Universities.


• U.S.-China Education Agreement: Signifying the commitment of both governments to deepen our educational ties, the U.S. Department of State and the Chinese Ministry of Education renewed their Agreement for Cooperation in Educational Exchanges.


• Fulbright: The U.S.-China Fulbright program is a cornerstone of our bilateral educational cooperation, demonstrating our commitment to two-way student and scholar exchange. The two sides agreed to take measures to expand the program.


• Exchanges: In addition to the binational Fulbright program, the Chinese government reiterated its commitment to the three “10,000” programs for students and scholars. The 100,000 Strong Foundation and the China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE) announced the establishment of a counterpart organization in Beijing to support the goals of the 100,000 Strong initiative. Other private efforts such as the Schwarzman Scholars program, activities of the Asia Society, and university partnerships were applauded.


• Education Joint Work Plan: The U.S. Department of Education and the Chinese Ministry of Education agreed to continue promoting state-province K-12 cooperation and the initiation of a higher education meeting. Both activities fall under the U.S.-China Education Development Forum.


• U.S.-China Friendship Volunteers: The Peace Corps and CEAIE highlighted their efforts to expand placements in underserved areas.


Science and Technology: Collaboration in science and technology is an important and dynamic area in the bilateral relationship, dating back to the 1979 U.S.-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement. The United States and China are using a variety of tools to enhance public dialogue on science between the two countries, educate the public on the role of science in society, and explore issues of interest to young scientists.


• Young Scientist Forum: The Science and Technology Pillar will host the 6th and 7th Young Scientist Forums in 2014. The Beijing Young Scientist Forum will bring together U.S. and Chinese graduate students to discuss issues relating to building a career in science, while the Washington Young Scientist Forum will focus on the science of disaster management. Over the past two years, nearly 200 young scientists from the United States and China have participated in the YSF program through the CPE.


Sports: “Ping Pong Diplomacy” paved the way for the re-establishment of official relations between the United States and China. From large international competitions like the Olympics, to State Department- and Chinese Government-supported exchange programs ranging from Guangzhou and Seattle, to the creation of the NBA Yao School in Beijing, sports receive high-level attention in both nations.


This year, thanks to the contributions of the U.S. Olympic Committee, the Chinese General Administration of Sport, and the Special Olympics, more than a dozen sports leagues and federations from China and the United States came together for competitions and athlete exchanges.


• New Dialogue: Yesterday, the Sports Pillar held the inaugural U.S.-China Sports Seminar, an academic discussion of the latest advances in sports science and technology.


• New and Continued Cooperation with Sports Leagues: People-to-people ties continue to thrive due to the close cooperation between the NBA and the Chinese Basketball Association. The United States is also very pleased to welcome for the first time Major League Baseball as a CPE participant. These programs extend beyond the fields of play and go a long way in promoting people-to-people connections between athletes on both countries, of all ages and backgrounds.


Women’s Issues: Launched in 2011, the U.S.-China Women’s Leadership Exchange and Dialogue (“Women LEAD”), led by the Secretary’s Office of Global Women’s Issues (S/GWI) at the State Department and the All-China Women’s Federation (ACWF), brings together women leaders of both countries to discuss and tackle issues of mutual concern.


• New Dialogue: A group of 10 students from the University of Chicago will travel to Beijing at the invitation of the China Women’s University (CWU) in September 2014.


• Continuing Programs: The Women in Public Service Project housed at the Woodrow Wilson Center in Washington, D.C., and CWU will continue their partnership to engage women at five Chinese universities in women’s leadership training programs.


• Continuing Programs: Building on previous engagement with ACWF, the Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is working toward an MOU with ACWF on cookstove access for women.


Health: The two countries are elevating their people-to-people partnerships even further by adding a health pillar, starting with the 2015 CPE in Washington, D.C. This addition will strengthen existing health collaboration and encourage more people-to-people collaboration in this important area.


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