
英语翻译 2019-07-24 06:13:13 98

Statement by Li Baodong at the Ministerial Meeting of the Twentieth Anniversary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

Vienna, 13 June 2016

Mr. Chairman, and Dear Colleagues,

First of all, on behalf of the Chinese Delegation, I would like to extend congratulation the opening of this Ministerial Meeting. I would also like to extend our appreciation and thanks to the Romanian Delegation and the Provisional Secretariat of the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) for their tremendous work in preparing for this meeting.

Mr. Chairman,

Twenty years ago, the conclusion of the CTBT marked an important milestone in mankind’s pursuit of common security. During the past twenty years, prohibition of nuclear test has become an irreversible trend of the times, nuclear arms race has been effectively forestalled, and the risks of nuclear war have been notably reduced. The CTBT has made indelible contribution to the endeavor of upholding international peace and security.

The global landscape is now going through profound changes never seen in the past. The security of all countries is interlinked, traditional and non-traditional threats to security interweave with each other, and the urgency to enhance global security governance becomes even more prominent. Promoting the entry-into-force of the Treaty and advancing nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation, are not only our common mission entrusted by history, but also our shared responsibility to the future.

Mr. Chairman,

Today, we gather here to build on political consensus of the promoting entry-into-force of the Treaty, and more importantly, to seek fundamental and effective means to achieve this goal, take into account the development of international security situation. In this regard, China would like to propose the following:

First, we should consolidate the political foundation of the entry-into-force of the Treaty. Only common security can eradicate the root causes of the existence and proliferation of nuclear weapons. We should abandon the zero-sum game and the Cold War mentality, make efforts to build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, respect all countries’ reasonable security concern, and solve hot spot issues peacefully through dialogue and negotiations.

Second, we should solidify the institutional guarantee of the entry-into-force of the Treaty. A sound international arms control and non-proliferation regime is essential. In this regard, we should honor relevant international obligations and commitments, maintain policy consistency, avoid double-standards and discriminatory practices, hence constantly enhancing the authority and effectiveness of the international arms control and non-proliferation regime.

Third, we should create favorable conditions for the entry-into-force of the Treaty. The five Nuclear Weapon States should assume an exemplary role, by strictly observing the moratorium on nuclear test, gradually reducing the role of nuclear weapons in their national security strategies, and making explicit commitments on no-first-use of nuclear weapons and unconditional no use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States.

Fourth, we should improve the technical capability required by the entry-into-force of the Treaty. The PTS should be supported in its efforts, in accordance with its mandate, to steadily push forward the construction and maintenance of the IMS, sum up the outcome of previous on-site inspection exercises, host more regional seminars and training courses, support the capacity building of developing countries. We should also expand the application of relevant technologies to fields such as disaster warning and environmental protection.

Fifth, we should expand public support for the entry-into-force of the Treaty. We should actively initiate different kinds of outreach activities to raise the influence and favorable impression of the Treaty among the public. The PTS could continue to play an important coordinating role in helping states to conduct relevant activities, and making full use of the Group of Eminent Persons.

Mr. Chairman,

China is committed to taking the path of peaceful development and advocates for complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons. China has made commitment on no-first-use of nuclear weapons, and has unconditionally undertaken not to use or threat to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States and nuclear weapon free zones.China was among the first signatories of the Treaty, and has always supported the purposes and objectives of the Treaty, honored the commitment of moratorium on nuclear tests, and supported relevant resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly.

As one of the Annex II countries, China has been committed to facilitating the early entry-into-force of the Treaty in a responsible manner. The Chinese Government will continue to encourage the National People’s Congress to discuss the ratification of the Treaty. Meanwhile, we will continue to enhance public recognition to and support for the Treaty through publicity and education activities.

China attaches great importance to domestic preparation for the implementation of the Treaty, and has made steady progress in building of monitoring stations in China. Thanks to our collaboration with the PTS, testing and evaluation process of five monitoring stations in China has reached a critical stage. In order to facilitate certification of all monitoring stations in China, China and the PTS have developed feasible road maps, and established regular consultation mechanism to ensure steady advancement of the relevant processes.

China has been deeply engaged in the work of the Preparatory Commission, and has made continuous contribution to enhancing the Treaty’s verification regime, by supporting the on-site inspection exercises and co-hosting workshops and training courses. Last May, China and the PTS successfully co-hosted the forth East Asia Regional NDC Workshop. We are also planning to co-host a scientist-to-scientist workshop in Beijing later this year, and welcome experts from other countries to participate in it.

Mr. Chairman,

Going forward, we have full confidence in future, and are also keenly aware of the long journey ahead. China will continue to work with all parties to promote the early entry-into-force of the Treaty, and to make relentless efforts in pursuit of the lofty goal of complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.

Thank you.

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