
英语翻译 2019-07-24 00:13:11 363

Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of the International Day for Universal Access to Information

28 September 2016

Over two thousand years ago, Aristotle wrote: “All human beings by nature desire to know.”

To know requires having access to information – this fundamental human right is part of what makes us human, it is essential for inclusion and dialogue, it is a foundation for the rule of law and good governance, and it is vital for crafting new paths to sustainable development.

This is the message of the first International Day for Universal Access to Information, as decided by UNESCO Member States – this is why access to information is a key driver for taking forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, to promote the human rights and dignity, to eradicate poverty, to build inclusive knowledge societies.
这正是教科文组织根据会员国的决定发起第一个“国际普遍获取信息日”所要传递的讯息。因为获取信息,是推动实现《2030年可持续发展议程》、促进人权和尊严、消除贫困、 建设包容性知识社会的强大动力。

Equal and universal access to information is a powerful engine for positive change, widening opportunities to overcome inequalities, to reach the marginalised, to create and share knowledge, to discover other cultures, to strengthen the foundations of democratic institutions. In a globalising world, this right must be respected offline and online – the digital revolution must be a development revolution, drawing on the empowering force of new information and communication technologies, for inclusion and innovation.

This means breaking down all barriers to access, in connectivity, in skills. This is the importance of strong freedom of information laws and their effective implementation. It was 250 years ago that contemporary Sweden and Finland adopted the world’s first right to information legislation, as recognised in the 2016 World Press Freedom Day Finlandia Declaration. To move forward, we must empower all women and men with awareness of their right of access to information, and we must advance media and information literacy skills so that all can harness this right for sustainable development.
这就意味着,应该消除横亘在通往连接互通及获取技能道路上的所有障碍。为此,有必要强化信息自由立法及其有效实施工作。正如2016年世界新闻自由日《芬兰宣言》所述,二百五十年前,世界上第一部信息权利法在当今的瑞典和芬兰获得通过。目前,为了取得更大进步,我们应该增强全体民众的权能,提高他们对获取信息权利的认识,培养他们的媒体 和信息素养,使每个人都可以充分利用这一权利为可持续发展服务。

These goals guide all of UNESCO’s action, to support governments and societies, to ensure every woman and man enjoys full and equal access to information that is essential for their rights, dignity and empowerment.

This is UNESCO’s message on this inaugural International Day for Universal Access to Information.

博科娃 博科娃总干事 教科文组织总干事 博科培训 奥德蕾阿祖莱总干事 教科文总干事 sabina 博科娃女士 龙翔宇会见博科娃


