陈冯富珍总干事在中医现代化国际会议上的主旨演讲 2
Ladies and gentlemen,
Traditional Chinese medicine has many critics. Their criticisms must also be addressed if traditional Chinese medicine is to perform a legitimate role as an integrated part of a health system.
Some critics dismiss the entirety of this ancient art as nothing but pseudoscience, or “snake oil” medicine. They argue that the differences between East and West can never be reconciled.
They point out that few well-designed studies, following the gold standard of randomized controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated efficacy over placebos. They point to a lack of plausible and proven biological mechanisms through which traditional remedies exert their effects.
They point to the difficulty of standardized quality control, especially since the chemical composition of a plant species can vary according to where it was grown and in what type of soil, and when and how it was harvested.
The Western approach to testing is to isolate the active ingredients and test them one by one.
This, say proponents of traditional Chinese medicine, is part of the problem. It is not a single chemical responsible for the effect, but rather how multiple ingredients work in concert.
The Western approach to testing also denies the strong cultural and psychological component that is an integral part of the art of traditional medicine. Looking at individual chemicals is reductionist. It is like expecting a tree to grow without its roots.
As proponents note, the scientific method was not designed to accurately evaluate the full human experience that occurs when traditional medicine is delivered by skilled, experienced, and trusted practitioners in its cultural and historical homes.
Controlled clinical trials can evaluate the intervention or the herbal product, but not the full experience.
Moreover, complaints of pain, anxiety, and stress nearly always have a subjective dimension. The placebo effect is a well-documented scientific phenomenon.
As Nobel laureate Elizabeth Blackburn reminds both sides of the debate: “We tend to forget how powerful an organ the brain is in human biology.” Scientific research on the physiological effects of mental stress confirms the validity of that reminder.
Evidence is mounting that diet, exercise, no tobacco, limited alcohol, and stress reduction can do a better job of preventing or delaying the onset of heart disease than most drugs and surgical procedures.
Here, traditional Chinese medicine excels. It pioneered interventions like healthy and balanced diets, exercise, herbal remedies, and ways to reduce everyday stress.
Countries, like Singapore, aiming to integrate the best from traditional and modern medicine would do well to look not only at the many differences between traditional and modern medicine. Instead, they should look at those areas where both converge to help tackle the unique health challenges of the 21st century.
The fact that the 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, which is overseen by WHO, contains a chapter on traditional medicine is significant.
The chapter sets out diagnostic categories based on traditional medicine conditions which originated in ancient China and are now commonly used in China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore.
Particular attention is being given to testing of the chapter in integrated health care settings in target countries where both traditional and Western medicine are practiced.
This innovation also bodes well for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine as a contribution to universal health coverage that can be sustained, despite rising health care costs.
Thank you.