
英语翻译 2019-07-23 12:13:35 140

On the occasion of the 6th International Jazz Day, UNESCO celebrates all musicians, poets, painters, writers, historians, academics, and jazz enthusiasts worldwide, who pay tribute to jazz, its ability to unite people and its contributions to peace.

As the great Nina Simone said, “Jazz is not just music, it is a way of life, it is a way of being, a way of thinking.” It is everywhere, all around us, inspiring us to better ourselves through music and in life.


Today, we celebrate the international art form of jazz and its power to promote dialogue among cultures, to make the most of diversity, to deepen respect for human rights and all forms of expression.

The story of jazz is written into the quest for human dignity, democracy and civil rights. Its rhythms and variety have given strength to the struggle against all forms of discrimination and racism – this is the message we must take across the world today.

Havana is this year’s Global Host City of International Jazz Day, reflecting the city’s profound ties to jazz. Hometown of renowned bandleaders, Mario Bauzá and Frank ‘Machito’ Grillo, the city and, more broadly, Cuba’s thriving musical culture gave birth to the Afro-Cuban jazz movement, inspired by a great mix of cultures and peoples across the region. Cuban jazz is a lesson in creative diversity that resonates at the heart of UNESCO.

For the first time, International Jazz Day will be the focus of a weeklong celebration in Havana, with workshops, master classes, film screenings, performances and concerts all throughout the city. The All-Star Global Concert will be a unique opportunity to display the world’s greatest talents from Cuba, Latin America and around the world, including legendary jazz pianist and composer UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Intercultural Dialogue, Herbie Hancock, and Cuban jazzman, Chucho Valdés.
国际爵士乐日将首次在哈瓦那举行为期一周的庆祝活动,并在全市各地举办研习会、大师课程、电影放映、演出和音乐会等活动。另将举办一场独一无二的全球爵士乐全明星音乐会,汇聚来自古巴、拉丁美洲及世界各地的当代最伟大的爵士乐音乐人,其中包括传奇般的爵士钢琴家和作曲家、联合国教科文组织文化间对话亲善大使赫比·汉考克,以及古巴爵士 音乐人丘乔·巴尔德斯。

UNESCO is proud to be associated once again with the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz, as well as with the Cuban Institute of Music, to raise the flag for jazz, for freedom, for creativity, for diversity and for unity. This year’s focus on Cuba is testament to the power of jazz to build bridges and join women and men together around shared values and aspirations.

博科娃总干事 奥德蕾阿祖莱总干事 博科娃 教科文组织总干事 教科文总干事 sabina 博科娃女士 龙翔宇会见博科娃 什么是爵士乐


