中译英翻译练习02 - 无敌长句的翻译

英语翻译 2019-07-22 12:13:39 108




joe036:Global stock market experienced a free fall from ealier May to later June, with a loss over 10%, but a marginal rise during the first weeks of July. Economic recovery has been in a standstill over the past year which is considered by some negative opinions as a source of the weak stock market. European countries are in heavily debt and the domestic unemployment stands high in US, causing anxiety which has been gradually turned into an unrestrainable fear.

点评:第一句中的free fall是很引人注目的用法,相比通常情况下我们会选用的decline、drop等表达“急剧下跌”的词,更加生动。



“欧洲各国负债累累,美国国内失业率又高居不下,人们对此忧心不已,焦虑也逐渐演化成压抑不住的惶恐。” 这里看到一个“对此”,那么我们可以分析出,其所针对的情况,也即前面的“欧洲负债、美国失业率居高不下”这两句,可以处理成由介词引导的宾语成分,于是主句的主语就落在了人们的“忧虑”上。


evawallie:The global stock market has been sliding its way down from the start of May to the end of June, with a loss of over 10%. It came back in the first weeks of July but with little growth. In almost one year, the economy recovery has been stagnating, which was claimed by the negatives to be the source of the stock market downturn. People’s worry for the European countries’ debts and high unemployment of America has gradually escalated to revealing panic.


总评:从大家的翻译中可以总结出,“急剧下跌”这里的译法,不出decline、drop、slide等动词的使用,summersping同学使用了plunge一词,非常好。不过“失业率”还是有同学会按照中文翻译成unemployment rate——注意哦,如果看英语新闻就会发现,“失业率”其实一个unemployment就足以表达,不用再加一个rate。


From the beginning of May until late June, stock markets worldwide declined sharply, with losses surpassing 10%. The first weeks of July brought only marginal relief. Ominous voices began to warn that the weakness of stocks was a direct response to the stalling of an economic recovery that has lasted barely a year. Anxiety over debt-laden European countries combined with stubbornly high unemployment in the U.S. allowed concern to blossom into full-bloom fear.


marginal relief:替换little growth
be a response to:替换 caused by——表达因果关系的时候我们可以这样反过来思维
debt-laden:替换be in debt
stubbornly high:很形象的用法,可以替换staying high,表示一个“持久”的状态
blossom into:替换develop into
full-bloom:全面发展的,例如full-bloom industry



