摘自:世博英语 在“三个代表”即将载入党章的历史性时刻,我们来学习一下它的英语表达。 先看下面一段话(摘自CRI news) "Three Represents", namely that the Party must always represent the development trend of China\'s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China\'s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, is the crystallization of the Party\'s collective wisdom and a guiding ideology the Party must follow for a long time to come, Jiang said in his report. 【世博精解】 “三个代表”就是“three represents”. 那么“三个代表”究竟代表着什么呢?我们来看下面: (1)代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求 represent the development trend of China\'s advanced productive forces development,发展。 Developed country,发达国家; developing country,发展中国家; Less-developed country(LDC),欠(不)发达国家。 Trend,倾向,趋势。 Advanced,先进的,高级的。 Productive force,生产力。 (2)代表中国先进文化的前进方向 the orientation of China\'s advanced culture orientation,方向,方位,定位。 (3)代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people fundamental,基础的,基本的。 overwhelming majority,压倒的多数。 叙叙述方式有哪些 续写方式 叙边 用叙议结合的方式写人 叙议结合阅读 叙事方式 叙事的方式有哪些 叙议结合是写作手法吗 叙议结合手法的作用
摘自:世博英语 在“三个代表”即将载入党章的历史性时刻,我们来学习一下它的英语表达。 先看下面一段话(摘自CRI news) "Three Represents", namely that the Party must always represent the development trend of China\'s advanced productive forces, the orientation of China\'s advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people, is the crystallization of the Party\'s collective wisdom and a guiding ideology the Party must follow for a long time to come, Jiang said in his report. 【世博精解】 “三个代表”就是“three represents”. 那么“三个代表”究竟代表着什么呢?我们来看下面: (1)代表中国先进社会生产力的发展要求 represent the development trend of China\'s advanced productive forces development,发展。 Developed country,发达国家; developing country,发展中国家; Less-developed country(LDC),欠(不)发达国家。 Trend,倾向,趋势。 Advanced,先进的,高级的。 Productive force,生产力。 (2)代表中国先进文化的前进方向 the orientation of China\'s advanced culture orientation,方向,方位,定位。 (3)代表中国最广大人民的根本利益 the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the Chinese people fundamental,基础的,基本的。 overwhelming majority,压倒的多数。 叙叙述方式有哪些 续写方式 叙边 用叙议结合的方式写人 叙议结合阅读 叙事方式 叙事的方式有哪些 叙议结合是写作手法吗 叙议结合手法的作用