Scarcely four weeks have passed since the close of the Exhibition, some wares still stand unpacked in the deserted halls of the Hyde Park building, and already public attention has turned away from this “world-renowned event” toward other, perhaps more gripping events close at hand. None of the enthusiastic newspaper correspondents who on the opening day of the “world market” proclaimed the inauguration of a new era any longer voice their opinion on the subject. Yet the stimulation the event has left behind still ferments in the pensive minds and aspiring hearts of thousands. The far-reaching consequences of this impulse cannot be measured. 译文:距博览会结束已快有四周了,仍有一些未拆包的展品搁置在海德公园这座建筑空荡的大厅里,然而公众的注意力已经由这件“举世瞩目”的事件移至它处,移至或许是某些即将到来的更加吸引人的事件。那些热情高涨的新闻记者,他们曾在这个“世界大市场”开张那天声称这一开幕式是一个新纪元,而现在在这一问题上却都缄默无言。然而该事件刺激的余波还在继续激动着成千上万多思的大脑,鼓舞着人们的心灵。这一推动所引发的意义深远的结果是无法估量的。 英汉笔译第4章 英汉笔译第4章答案 英汉笔译第5章答案 英汉笔译第四章答案 笔译第十篇恶鬼吓诈不遂 第八届国际口笔译大赛 第四届浙江省笔译大赛获奖名单 第四届l
Scarcely four weeks have passed since the close of the Exhibition, some wares still stand unpacked in the deserted halls of the Hyde Park building, and already public attention has turned away from this “world-renowned event” toward other, perhaps more gripping events close at hand. None of the enthusiastic newspaper correspondents who on the opening day of the “world market” proclaimed the inauguration of a new era any longer voice their opinion on the subject. Yet the stimulation the event has left behind still ferments in the pensive minds and aspiring hearts of thousands. The far-reaching consequences of this impulse cannot be measured. 译文:距博览会结束已快有四周了,仍有一些未拆包的展品搁置在海德公园这座建筑空荡的大厅里,然而公众的注意力已经由这件“举世瞩目”的事件移至它处,移至或许是某些即将到来的更加吸引人的事件。那些热情高涨的新闻记者,他们曾在这个“世界大市场”开张那天声称这一开幕式是一个新纪元,而现在在这一问题上却都缄默无言。然而该事件刺激的余波还在继续激动着成千上万多思的大脑,鼓舞着人们的心灵。这一推动所引发的意义深远的结果是无法估量的。 英汉笔译第4章 英汉笔译第4章答案 英汉笔译第5章答案 英汉笔译第四章答案 笔译第十篇恶鬼吓诈不遂 第八届国际口笔译大赛 第四届浙江省笔译大赛获奖名单 第四届l