林语堂 -生活的艺术 01 wake up and live

英语翻译 2019-07-20 06:13:59 122
The Chinese philosopher is one who dreams with one eye open, who views life with love and sweet irony, who mixes his cynicism with a kindly tolerance, and who alternately wakes up from life\'s dream and then nods again, feeling more alive when he is dreaming than when he is awake, thereby investing his waking life with a dream-world quality. He sees with one eye closed and with one eye opened the futility of much that goes on around him and of his own endeavors, but barely enough sense of reality to determine to go through with it.

wake up and live
I am quite sure that amidst the hustle and bustle of American life, there is a great deal of wistfulness, of the divine desire to lie on a plot of grass under tall beautiful trees of an idle afternoon and just do nothing.

Since we are alike under the skin, what touches the human heart in one country touches all.

I am inclined to think that, in a good or bad sense, there is nothing like it in the world.

For a nation to have a few philosophers is not so unusual, but for a nation to take things philosophically is terrific.

An important consequence is that, while in the West the insane are so many that they are put in an asylum, in China the insane are so unusual that we worship them.

1、hustle and bustle — 繁忙
      例:The hustle and bustle of city life fatigues many people.
2、under the skin — 心性
3、in some sense — 在某种意义/方面上,in a manner, in some respect都是类似表达
4、take things … — 以…的眼光看待事物
5、这一句狂人说写在1937年,并非作者自弃,而是从另一个角度表达中国千年的闲适哲学是远非注重高效能的生活所能比拟的。但是放在整个社会追求高效能的今天,多少还是品出了一丝嘲讽的意味。 林语堂的生活的艺术 林语堂生活的艺术中的闲适 林语堂生活的艺术在线 生活的艺术林语堂书评 林语堂生活的艺术pdf 林语堂生活 林语堂生活的艺术经典篇目 啥是生活


