贫无立锥之地 as poor as a church mouse
雪中送炭真君子/患难见真情 A friend in need is a friend indeed.
异想天开 to give loose to one\'s fancy
集思广义 Two heads are better than one.
得过且过 to live from hand to mouth
情人眼里出西施 Love is blind.
情有独钟 had eyes only for:All the girls liked Kevin, but he had eyes only for Mary.
冤家宜解不宜结 Better remove enmity than contract it.
眼不见为净 Out of sight, out of mind.
脱口而出 A slip of the tongue can sometimes land you in trouble.
a church mouse:一贫如洗的人
slip of the tongue:失言, 疏漏,小错误,口误