
英语翻译 2019-07-19 18:14:04 241


第十五章中,1983年IBM个人电脑崛起迅速占领市场,这为计划于1984年1月发布的麦金塔Macintosh电脑带来了极大压力。它能成为苹果扭转败局的关键么?乔布斯似乎更喜欢这种以反叛者(rebel)的身份来挑战IBM权威的竞争模式。乔布斯计划为麦金塔电脑的发布会拍摄一个非凡的广告片(commercial)。负责广告工作的Lee Clow利用George Orwell 乔治·奥威尔小说中的经典名言“Why 1984 won\'t be like 1984”,编写了一个60秒的广告脚本。广告讲述了一个反叛的年轻女性从警察的追捕中逃脱(a rebellious young woman outrunning the police),当独裁者老大哥(Big Brother)在电视上进行蛊惑人心的讲话时,她抡起大锤砸向大屏幕(sledging hammer into a screen)。乔布斯为什么会喜欢这个创意?



The concept captured the zeitgeist of the personal computer revolution. Many young people, especially those in the counterculture, had viewed computers as instruments that could be used by Orwellian governments and giant corporations to sap individuality. But by the end of the 1970s, they were also being seen as potential tools for personal empowerment. The ad cast Macintosh as a warrior for the latter cause—a cool, rebellious, and heroic company that was the only thing standing in the way of the big evil corporation’s plan for world domination and total mind control. Jobs liked that. Indeed the concept for the ad had a special resonance for him. He fancied himself a rebel, and he liked to associate himself with the values of the ragtag band of hackers and pirates he recruited to the Macintosh group. Even though he had left the apple commune in Oregon to start the Apple corporation, he still wanted to be viewed as a denizen of the counterculture rather than the corporate culture.(Chapter 15 The Launch: 1984 ad)






1. empowerment:名词,许可,授权。动词形式为empower,可表示授权或批准,相当于authorize(legal power or official authority),还可以表示允许或使能够(to give ability to),相当于permit 和 enable,用法于enable相同,empower sb. to do sth。

The Senate passed legislation to empower the executive branch without the Senate agreed to the appointment of minor personnel. 参议院可通过法律,授权行政部门不经参议院同意任命较次要的人事。


Computers empower students to become intellectual explorers. 电脑使学生成为了有思想的探索者。


2. associate:这里使用的associate...with...表示与...联系在一起。associate这个单词的用法很广。做名词可表示同事、伙伴、相关联的事物;做动词表示发生联系、联想;做形容词可表示副的。associate with除了表示可以与...联系在一起,还可以表示和...来往。

associate diploma:专科证书  associated companies:联营公司

Research is a word that most people associate with science and objectivity. 大多数人把研究这个词与科学和客观联系起来。


A presidential associate inevitably tends to overrate the significance of the things he does know about. 一个总统的幕僚对于他确实知道的事情,总难免要过分强调其重要性。


3. Orwellian 和乔治·奥威尔:

Orwellian:奥威尔式,奥威尔现象。表示受严格统治而失去人性的极权主义社会行为。这个词由英国作家、社会评论家George Orwell衍生而来。奥威尔的传世作品《动物庄园》(Animal Farm)和《1984》(Nineteen Eighty-Four)以辛辣的笔触讽刺泯灭人性的极权主义社会和追逐权力者,他的作品堪称世界文坛政治讽喻小说的经典之作。奥威尔对英语语言同样产生了深远的影响,他在小说中创造的Big Brother(老大哥)、newspeak(新语)等词汇收入英语词典,由他的名字衍生出来的词汇Orwellianism(奥威尔主义) 和Orwellian也成为英语中的日常通用词汇。

Language—Orwell\'s Newspeak —is used to control people\'s thought. 在Orwell的小说中,语言又叫做“新语”,是用来控制人们的思想。


Many Orwellian controls remain firmly in place, however, over politics, religion and free expression. 然而,在政治,宗教,和自由言论等问题上,奥维尔式的极权统治依然大行其道。

老乔是谁 老乔 女老乔 老乔的店 陕老乔 疯狂的麦克斯老乔 不死老乔 南方老乔 不死老乔为什么不死


