翻译考试必备: 翻译词汇日积月累(四)
假文凭 fake diplomas
坚持基本纲领 uphold the basic program
减员增效 downsize the staff to improve efficiency
简易过渡房 makeshift shelter
经济适用房 affordable housing
就业指导 employment guidance
开放型经济 an open economy
开瓶费 corkage fee
抗灾救灾工作 efforts to combat disasters and provide relief
科学发展观 scientific outlook on development
空巢家庭 empty-nest/childless family
廉租房 low-rent housing
两限房 house of two limits;house with limited price and habitable area
留守女士/留守男士 grass widow/ widower
面子工程 vanity/image project
whistler blower (美国情报)泄密者
indoors man/woman 宅男/宅女
interborough rapid transmit 城区建快速交通线
ironclad labor protection 铁饭碗
job commuting 通勤
job release scheme 顶职办法
juvenile justice system 少年司法制度
law-abiding citizen 守法公民
logistic park 物流园区
loosely-bound family 松散的家庭观
luggage screening 行李检查
menial activity 粗活
merit pay 绩效工资
metropolitan area population 大城市人口
metropolitan station 都市之声
城区建快速交通线 IRT (interborough rapid transmit)
中国银行 BOC (Bank of China)
牛津英语词典 OED (Oxford English Dictionary)
性传播疾病 STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease)
发光二极管 LED (Light-emitting Diode)
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