
英语翻译 2019-07-18 10:23:03 179

Secretary-General’s Message on World Health Day

7 April 2014

Every year more than one million people die from diseases carried by mosquitoes, flies, ticks and other insects, such as triatomine bugs. These vector-borne diseases – which include malaria, dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, Chagas disease and leishmaniasis – cause chronic illness and immense suffering for hundreds of millions more.
每年都有 100 多万人死于由蚊子、苍蝇、扁虱和锥蝽臭虫等其他昆虫携带的疾病。这些病媒传染的疾病——包括疟疾、登革热、黄热病、日本脑炎、南美锥虫病和利什曼病——造成另外数亿人患有慢性疾病并遭受巨大痛苦。


Climate change, altered habitats and increased international trade and travel are exposing more people to the vectors that transmit these diseases. They present a risk in all regions, including countries where the threat had formerly been eradicated, but the most affected are the world’s poorest people, especially those who live in remote rural communities far from health services or in urban shanty towns. By profoundly affecting people’s health, vector-borne diseases are a serious impediment to poverty reduction and sustainable development.
气候变化、生境改变和国际贸易及旅行的增加,正使得更多人接触到传播这些疾病的病媒。 这些疾病对所有区域构成威胁,包括已消除这一威胁的国家,但受影响最大的是世界上最贫穷者,特别是那些居住在远离保健服务的偏远农村社区或在城市棚户区的穷人。病媒传染的疾病严重影响人们的健康,也严重妨碍减贫和可持续发展。

As we work to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and define a post-2015 development agenda, let us recognize that investing in vector control and disease prevention is a wise and necessary investment. We have the scientific knowledge and have developed proven interventions to tackle these diseases. In Africa, for example, more than 700 million insecticide-treated bed nets have already helped to cut malaria rates dramatically, particularly among children and pregnant women.

Sustained political commitment can save millions of lives and yield substantial social and economic returns. But it is important to recognize that vector control goes beyond the health sector. Poorly planned development initiatives – such as forest clearance, dam construction or irrigation to boost food production – may increase the disease burden. Addressing this issue demands an integrated, coherent and united effort across many sectors, including the environment, agriculture, water and sanitation, urban planning and education.
持续的政治承诺才能挽救数百万人的生命,并产生重大的社会和经济回报。 但必须要认识到,病媒控制不仅限于卫生部门;计划不周的发展倡议——例如为增加粮食产量砍伐森林、建造大坝或灌溉——可能增加疾病负担。解决这一问题要求在许多领域进行统筹、协调和联合的努力,包括环境、农业、水和公共卫生、城市规划以及教育等。

Everyone has a role to play in the fight against vector-borne diseases – international organizations, governments, the private sector, civil society, community groups and individuals. On this World Health Day, I urge countries and development partners to make vector control a priority. Let us work together to tackle this serious but eminently preventable threat to human health and development.

什么是世界卫生日 世界卫生日在哪一天 今年是第几个世界卫生日 关于世界卫生日内容 世界卫生日日期 世界卫生日是几号 世界卫生日宣传 世界卫生日是几月几号 世界卫


