
英语翻译 2019-07-18 10:16:25 158

  化学工业部 Ministry of Chemical Industry

  办公厅 General Office

  计划司 Planning Department

  外事司 Foreign Affairs Department

  人事司 Personnel Department

  化工新材料局 New Chemical Material Department

  化工司 Chemical Department

  橡胶司 Rubber Department

  炼化司 Department of Refining and Chemicals

  矿山司 Chemical Mines Bureau

  化工规划院 Chemical Planning Institute

  设备总公司 Equipment General Corporation

  基建局 Capital Construction Department

  教育司 Education Department

  化肥司 Chemical Fertilizer Department

  供销局 Department of Supply and Sales


  北京市人大常委会 Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People\'s Congress

  中国共产党北京市委员会Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC

  中国人民政治协商会议北京市委员会Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPPCC

  北京市人民政府 Beijing Municipal People\'s Government

  高级人民法院 High People\'s Court

  人民检察院 People\'s Procuratorate

  外事办公室 Foreign Affairs Office

  侨务办公室 Overseas Chinese Affairs Office

  财贸办公室 Office of Finance and Trade

  文教办公室 Office of Culture and Education

  计划委员会 Planning Committee

口译词汇 口译必备词汇 经贸合作口译词汇 二级口译词汇 经济口译词汇 口译高频词汇 catti口译词汇 教育口译词汇 英语高级口译词汇



