
英语翻译 2019-07-18 09:52:25 133

Spot Dictation

Good afternoon, folks. Today\'s discussion topic is online shopping. With only 2 weeks to go before Christmas, buying presents is a high priority for a lot of people. However, this year not so many people are leaving their homes to browse around the shops. These days, lots of people can do their shopping in the comfort of their own home with the help of the Internet. Online shopping is becoming more and more popular for a number of reasons. Prices are often lower online. You don’t have to queue up in busy shops. And you can buy almost any product imaginable with just a few clicks of your mouse. Computer trends are often male-dominated, but this year, women are expected to do more shopping on the Internet than men. It seems women are now more attracted to the convenience of online shopping than they used to be. Average spending online these Christmas by women will rise to £240 compared to the slightly lower average £233 for men. While the average spend per person on the high street is only £197. 17% of Internet users, mainland female are not buying their Christmas gifts online. In the past, a lot of people were reluctant to shop online. Many were worried about the security of entering their card details on the Internet and reliability of the Internet. But as shopping online has become more widespread, these worries have begun to disappear. 45% of Internet users still do have security worries but it hasn’t slowed down the ever increasing numbers of online shoppers. One victim of the online shopping boom is the UK high street. Christmas trading can represent up to 60% of turnover for some stores. Many companies are concerned not enough shoppers are coming through their doors in the run-up to Christmas. As a result there are lots of special offers in the shops.





1. I hear that Mitchell turned down that job. Well the hours were convenient but she wouldn’t be able to make ends meet.

2. The committee finally reached a decision, and I couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome. Everybody says they haven’t seen me like this for weeks.

3. I do understand your problem. It’s not easy for me to deal with it right away but I’ll certainly try as soon as possible.

4. Being a sales representative is harder than you think. Last week I was in Washington, and before that in New York. Next week I have to go to Chicago.

5. I’m getting used to a lot of things at my new job. But I wish the manager would give me some feedback.

6. According to some researchers, men who eat cooked tomatoes 2-3 times a week have up to a 50% reduction in their risk of developing prostate cancer.

7. Despite her success in designing an adventure game series, which had won numerous praises from fans and critics, Jane Jansen considers herself at heart, a writer and a novelist.

8. China is now the third largest producer of films in the world. However, most of the revenue generated was from a handful of the movies produced.

9. If you lost 2% of your body weight in water, the performance level of your brain may start to weaken. Another 4% may leave in feeling dizzy.

10. Since it is a big order, I accept your price of $30. However it’s a very special price and it leaves us little profit.


Statements 部分没有出现难词,总体难度不高。但是在做题过程中要注意固定搭配、转折、虚拟语气的表达以及对数字的敏感程度。例如Statement1中turn down, 在这里就表示reject;Statement 6和9中就出现了不少数字,每个数字针对哪项内容是需要格外注意的。

Talks and Conversations

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear a few questions. Listen carefully, because you will hear the talk or conversation and the questions ONLY ONCE. When you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Question 11—14
M: I love this car; I think it’s really cool. It’s called the clean car.
W: Where is it made?
M: It was produced in Sweden. It was designed in Italy. The engine of the vehicle runs on electricity which is generated by water.
W: so the fuel is plain H2O? Fantastic!
M: this car was made for the city. It can be parked in a small space and it reaches a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour.
W: It looks very light. What’s it made of?
M : It is made of a special metal which is being used for airplanes and space shuttles.
W: And what’s the price of the clean car?
M : That’s the only problem. It’s still rather expansive.

11. What is the man and the woman talking about?
12. Where is the vehicle produced?
13. Which of the following is true about the vehicle?
14. What is the only problem with the vehicle?

关键词:Generate 产生(能量等)Maximum 最大的 可同时记住这个词的动词形式 maximize 使……最大化

Questions 15—18
Once every year for the last few years we visited our friends in a small tiny little village in the middle of France. And they bought a cowshed, and it was literally a cowshed not fit to live in. And they have gradually made it better and renovated it. And it’s in a beautiful position. It’s on the top of a hill. And for miles around you can see this beautiful countryside. And I think only one another house. So you do need a car and you take the car into the tiny little village where there are about 4 or 5 shops and a very nice restaurant where you can go and have a 5 course meal for very little money. And also near is a very big lake, because this place is in the DorDon, and there are lots of lakes there. And we go there most afternoons and wind surf and sail. Also there is a very nice market, French Market, there once a week, where you get lovely parties, lovely fresh fish, really good fresh fish and lovely bowls and baskets which the local people have made. I like this part of France very much. But I think it’s a shame that there are too many English people there.

15. In which part of France do the speaker’s friends live?
16. What was the house before they modernized it?
17. Where is the house located?
18. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

本文来自中级口译听力课本。考生在考前准备时必须做到把听力课本上的练习全部做完,并且至少做三套历年真题,这样才能做到准备充分。 本文内容比较生活化,描述了说话人朋友在法国的房子以及其周边环境。听时需要抓住地点信息。总体来说难度不大。
关键词:Cowshed 牛棚 Renovate 翻新 修复

Questions 19—22

W: I like that picture you put up on the wall.
M: Oh, thank you.It’s a photograph that I took on my vacation last year.
W: You took it yourself? I didn’t know you were a photographer.
M: Oh, yes.I’ve been taking pictures for years.
W: It sounds like an interesting hobby.Do you have any more of your pictures here?
M: I have some that I haven’t enlarged.
W: May I see them?
M: Yes, certainly.I haven’t really sorted them out yet. Some of them are faces, just faces of people whom I see when I’m walking around.
W: Do you let them know that you’re taking pictures of them?
M: I try not to.I don’t like pictures of people who pose for the camera.I like people who are going about their daily business without being aware of the camera.
W: And what are the rest of the pictures?
M: A few of them are landscapes. And the rest of them are still life studies that I took in my studio.
W: Oh, you have your own studio? But I suppose you need a lot of equipment.How many cameras do you have?
M: Well, I have several, but I use two of them more than the others.Here, this is the one that I use to get the portrait shots.
W: What’s your other favourite?
M: It’s the one I use for the pictures that I take in my studio. It’s too big to carry around.
W: When are you going to take a picture of me?
M: Some time when you don’t know that I am taking one.

19. What picture did the man put on the wall?
20. How does the man take pictures of people when he is walking around?
21. According to the man, when does he use the bigger camera?
22. What kind of pictures has the man not taken yet?


go about sth 处理,着手做某事
be aware of 知道,意识到
landscape 风景,风景画

Questions 23—26

Traveling by air is one of the major conveniences of modern times. The whole field of aviation is geared to meet our needs for our safe, efficient and fast transportation. Let me give you an account of my recent trip on a major airline to illustrate my point.

I began preparations for my trip early by calling the airline and making a reservation. A few days later, I got the e-mail telling me my flight number and the times of departure from my city and arrival at my destination. I was advised to arrive at the airline terminal an hour before take-off in order to check in for my flight.

On the day of my flight, I went to the ticket counter for my boarding card, and then headed for the waiting area of the gate, from which my airplane will depart. Of course, you have to go through security system first. While I was waiting, I noticed how busy everyone was. The mechanics were checking the plane for last minute repairs, and a large truck was fueling the plane with gasoline to make it ready for take-off.

When my flight was called, I boarded the airplane. I was pleasantly greeted by the flight attendants and ordered light drinks and food. The weather was good, and there was no air turbulence to cause us worry or discomfort.

Although my flight was trouble-free, during the holidays, air travel becomes more hectic. Often, airlines sell too many tickets for a flight and are then overbooked. Some unlucky passengers will be bumped and asked to reschedule on a later flight. Bad weather might also cause a later take-off, and this delay often results in misconnections at the next stop.

On the whole, however, air travel is worth the expense. It is fast, safe and usually reliable.

23. How did the speaker make his flight reservation?
24. Why is the speaker advised to arrive an hour earlier?
25. How was his flight going according to the speaker?
26. Which of the following is not true about air travel?


Questions 27--30

W: Robert, I know you have strong feelings about the media.
M: I do. I’ve never had a television in my life. I grew up before television was really common. And I just don’t have time for it. I think you have to look at the “trade off” for whatever you do.
W: What do you mean by “trade off”?
M: What it costs, not only in money, but in terms what it does to your life. I have no real machines in my apartment. Well, I do have an FM radio.
W: What do you listen to?
M: Oh, weather reports, good music. And I have a telephone now. But I lived for eight years without one.
W: Eight years without a telephone?
M: Well, I discovered there were telephones on every street corner, and I really didn’t need one for anything.
W: Do you have a computer?
M: I do not own a computer. Because when I go on the Internet, I’m always disappointed. You see, I think modern technology destroys all the beauty and meaning in life. The machine gets in the way, and I don’t want to be part of a machine. That’s not the way I want to live my life.
W: Aren’t there any good things that the modern media bring us? I don’t know. Closer contact with other people?
M: Well, I do have a confession to make. The only modern form of media I really like is the jet plane. I mean, I know it’s not “the media”, but I really consider it to be a form of communication. It has allowed me to travel all over the world. I get great enjoyment out of travelling. I link up with people from foreign countries. I meet them. I talked to them. And so in that way, the jet plane has improved international communication much more than fax or e-mail will ever do.
W: What an interesting idea. Thank you, Robert.

27. Why has Robert never had a television in his life?
28. Which type of modern machine does Robert have now in his apartment?
29. What does Robert think of modern technology?
30. What does Robert enjoy most?


Sentence Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

1. Walking is a skill people learn as a babies, but it is not as simple as that. In any given year, some 15,000 American pedestrians are killed by motor-vehicles.

解析:本句难度中等。需要注意的是it is not as simple as that的翻译。部分同学可能对pedestrian(行人)这个词不够熟悉,造成困扰。

2. When shoppers are waiting in the check-out line, they can be easily tempted to buy chewing gums and other small items on the racks next to the check-out counter.


3. Even though colleges do not train people for some jobs that are in demand, they train people for other important jobs, without which society would find it difficult to exist.

解析:本句较简单。内容是关于大学人才培养,这是近年来的热门话题。其中in demand和exist的翻译要灵活处理。

4. Nearly 7,000 different languages are spoken around the world, but only a handful dominates. In fact, 96% of the worlds’ languages are spoken by just 4% of the people.
世界上有接近七千种语言在使用中,但只有少数是主要语言。实际上,96% 的世界语言只被为数4%的人在使用。

解析:本句比较简单。语言文化常识。其中dominate和are spoken的翻译需灵活处理。

5. Dancing is a cultural universal. In many cultures, it often has a central place in festive or religious events. Dancing may also play an important part in culture.

解析:本句较简单。仍然是文化类。festive or religious events和has a central place的翻译是重点,也是难点。

Passage Translation

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.

Passage One

Like food and houses, clothing is a basic human need. One reason people began wearing clothing was for protection. In ancient times, rough garments protected our ancestors from animal bites and kept them from being hurt. Clothing also kept them warm and dry. Today, clothing is also worn for reasons other than protection against the weather. One of the most important reasons is appearance. People choose clothes in styles and color that they like and that they think other people will like.





Passage Two

The human brain differs from the brains of other animals for one very simple reason. It is by far the most complex thing in the world. The ability to communicate through spoken or written language is an important feature. In human brains, the centers for language and thought are far more developed. While your brain accounts for only about 2% of your body weight. It takes 20% of your body’s oxygen supply, and uses up 20-30% of your body’s energy.




这段文字略带科普性,内容是讲人类大脑。文中the centers for language and thought和accounts for在翻译时需要灵活处理。另外,文中的短语和部分从句也需略为注意。科普性文字是考生的弱项,平时应稍作加强。

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