
英语翻译 2019-08-15 12:12:35 90

A word of caution for men trying to have kids: your laptop may be impacting the quality of your sperm.

In the first scientific study of its kind, researchers found Wi-Fi on laptops could be causing damage to your sperm’s DNA.

Researchers studied how exposure to Wi-Fi enabled laptops, or the microwave radiation, impacted sperm production. They found men exposed for only four hours experienced measurable DNA damage to their sperm and a reduction in movement, or motility, of the sperm.

"The word is cautionary," said Dr. Dale McClure, Urologist and male fertility specialist from the University of Washington at Seattle. "I don\'t think we should rush out and stop using laptops, but I think if you\'re using a laptop, maybe not keep it on your groin."

The study was presented by Argentine researchers here in Denver at the American Society for Reproductive Medicine conference.

We asked men and women using laptops at Stella\'s Coffee Haus on South Pearl Street how it might impact their laptop use.

"Would it stop me from using my computer? Probably not. Would it make me take it off my lap? Maybe," said Craig Rangel, who said he already has one child and is thinking about another.

"At this point in life, because I\'m not considering kids, I don\'t think it would even enter my mind," said Kristina Stamatis, a high school teacher who is single.

"I don\'t know how else I\'d function without (my laptop)," said Nat Ridder, who is also single and childless, "And right now ... sperm count doesn\'t count for a lot in my lifestyle."

"Our society has kind of pushed us to a point business-wise where you don\'t really have a choice. You kind of have to use your computer all the time," said Dale Greer, a wine dealer who said he and his wife are considering having children.

An earlier study on microwave radiation from cell phones led scientists to determine it can reduce sperm quality. So now they recommend not carrying your cell phone in your pocket.

Until more definitive research is done you might want to keep your laptop away from your groin as well.














Wi-Fi: 全称为“wireless fidelity”,原先是无线保真的缩写。Wi-Fi是一种可以将个人电脑、手持设备(如PDA、手机)等终端以无线方式互相连接的技术。Wi-Fi是一个无线网路通信技术的品牌,由Wi-Fi联盟所持有。也有人把Wi-Fi等同于无线网际网路。

motility: 能动性,游动性

urologist: 泌尿科医生

groin: the part of the body where the legs join at the top including the area around the genitals(腹股沟;大腿根儿)

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