经济不景气 美新人流行在殡仪馆办婚礼

英语翻译 2019-08-15 06:12:53 316

Paulita and Tony Flores took their wedding vows in December in an elegant rotunda with marble floors amid glimmering chandeliers and a bubbling fountain.

It didn\'t bother them that a room down the hall showcased caskets and urns. Or that the building was surrounded by a large cemetery with 100,000 gravestones on 60 acres. Or that on other days, the facility hosts something a lot more somber — funerals.

The Flores\' wedding at the Community Life Center at Washington Park East Cemetery here illustrates a growing trend.

Across the USA, funeral homes are building and marketing such centers as not just a place to mourn the dead but as sites for events celebrating the living, including weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, holiday parties and proms.

The lure? It is often less expensive; there is greater availability; and the settings — inside and outside — can be nothing short of wedding-picture perfect.

Flanner & Buchanan Funeral Centers opened the $10 million Community Life Center in 2001, but it had a slow start. As recently as 2009, it hosted just 10 weddings. Then Carla Fletcher took over as special events coordinator in March. The center now holds a dozen events each month and has nearly every Friday, Saturday and Sunday booked this year, including 99 weddings, as well as bookings that stretch into 2012, she says.

"The place wasn\'t being utilized because people had tunnel vision," says Fletcher, who also often plays the part of wedding planner for the couples. "They thought since it was a funeral home, they (couldn\'t) sell it. But I don\'t see a funeral home; I see an events center."

The idea of getting married in a funeral home wasn\'t much of a hurdle to overcome, says Paulita Flores, 21.

"At first, when I pulled up and saw it was a funeral home, it did concern me," she admitted. "But when we walked in and saw everything, it was overwhelming. I fell in love and thought it was the perfect place. It was breathtaking, so it (the funeral home aspect) didn\'t cross my mind again."

In a 2010 association survey, almost 10% of the 627 funeral home owners who responded said they owned or offered a community or family center in addition to traditional funeral facilities.












rotunda: a round building, esp. one with a dome(圆形建筑,圆形大厅)

chandelier: an ornamental hanging light with branches and holders for several candles or bulbs(枝形吊灯,树枝形装饰灯)

prom: a formal dance, esp. one held by a high school or college class at the end of an academic year(正式舞会)

tunnel vision: an extremely narrow or prejudiced outlook; narrow-mindedness(视野狭隘,井蛙之见)

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