
英语翻译 2019-08-15 00:13:18 87

Tens of thousands of Russians jumped into holes cut in ice on Monday night and Tuesday morning on the holiday of the Epiphany, when Russian Orthodox believers take part in a baptism ceremony.

Russians stripped to swimsuits or loose robes to plunge into cross-shaped holes cut in frozen rivers, believing that the water takes on sacred powers on the holiday, which commemorates the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, held an all-night service in Moscow\'s Yelokhovsky cathedral and on Tuesday morning blessed water, which believers collect in bottles, crediting it with healing powers.

"I feel like a new man," exclaimed Nikolai Ivanov, 42, as he vigorously toweled himself off after plunging into a cross-shaped ice hole in Zaozyorye, 60 kilometres (37 miles) east of Moscow.

Church spokesman Vladimir Legoida warned believers only to jump into the freezing water after consulting a doctor, the RIA Novosti news agency reported, as temperatures fell below 30 degrees Celsius in Siberia.

But many believers seemed entirely ignorant of the cold, wearing little but huge smiles as they took part in an ancient rite that has passed on through the generations since the early tsarist times.

"The cold is one of the best gifts you can give a Russian," said Dmitry Chulkov, 25, while pulling on his boots after a particularly spectacular dive. "We are all a little crazy," he later admitted.

Father Sergei, who oversees the local church, observed the hundreds of brave believers with an air of satisfaction.

"This is good for both their bodies and their souls," he said.

In Moscow around 58,000 people gathered to jump in ice holes overnight, far exceeding last year\'s total of 32,000 people, city police spokesman Viktor Biryukov told RIA Novosti.

The Church estimates that hundreds of thousands of believers take part in the ceremony across the country each year.

Rescue workers at the emergency ministry manned 46 officially sanctioned ice holes in Moscow, where the temperature was minus 15 degrees Celsius on Tuesday morning.







25岁的德米特里· 丘尔科夫说:“寒冷是你可以送给俄罗斯人的最棒的礼物了。”当时他刚完成了一次非常壮观的跳水,正在岸上穿靴子。之后他坦承道:“我们都有些疯狂了。”







Epiphany: 主显节,是纪念主耶稣在约旦河里接受先知约翰洗礼的节日。这一天,信奉东正教的人们除去教堂祈祷外,还要到冰冻的水中洗浴,以求身心健康。

John the Baptist: 施洗约翰,是耶稣基督的表兄,在耶稣基督开始传福音之前在旷野向犹太人劝勉悔改,并为耶稣基督施洗。

tsarist:of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a czar or the system and principles of government under a czar(俄国帝制的,沙皇政体的)

with an air of: 带着……的样子

man: to provide with sufficient people for operation, defence(在…岗位上工作;操纵机器等;配备人员)

挑战冰水沐浴视频 冰水洗浴 外国妹子挑战冰水泡澡 美女挑战冰块和冰水视频 俄罗斯人 俄罗斯人Ⅹ18 俄罗斯 俄罗斯人性格 白俄罗斯人


