
英语翻译 2019-08-15 00:13:16 94

Three in 10 Americans commit "financial infidelity" by lying to their spouses about money, sometimes suffering consequences such as separation or divorce, according to a new survey.

The Harris Interactive online poll of 2,019 adults released on Thursday showed 31 percent of American couples who have combined finances were not truthful about issues such as hiding cash or a bank account or about debt or earnings.

"Financial infidelity may be the new normal," said Forbes.com, which commissioned the survey with the National Endowment for Financial Education.

One-third of respondents also say they have been deceived, and both sexes lie to their partners about money in equal numbers. "These indiscretions cause significant damage to the relationship," said Ted Beck, chief executive of the National Endowment for Financial Education.

Sixteen percent of couples affected by financial infidelity said the deception led to a divorce and 11 percent said it caused a separation. Sixty-seven percent said it led to an argument and for 42 percent it lessened trust in the relationship.

The most common lie, at 58 percent, was hiding cash. Fifty-four percent of respondents admitted hiding a minor purchase, 30 percent hid a bill, 16 percent did not disclose a major purchase and 15 percent hid a bank account.

Eleven percent lied about debt and an equal number were untruthful about earnings, the survey showed.




三分之一的受调查者表示他们曾被欺骗,而且在钱财上欺骗过配偶的男性与女性人数大致相同。 国家金融教育基金会董事长泰德•贝克说:“这种做法很不明智,会给双方的感情造成很大伤害。”





indiscretion: the characteristic or state of being indiscreet(轻率,不慎重)

美国出轨的代价 与国外女人出轨 美国人保守吗 美国人的择偶观 出轨的味道美国乐器 男人做财务容易出轨吗 做财务的女人很容易出轨 会计容易出轨 会计为什么容易出轨


