
英语翻译 2019-08-15 00:13:06 186

Supporters of embattled Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak have entered Cairo\'s Tahrir Square and clashed with protesters who have been calling for the president to step down. People on both sides threw stones at each other in the square Wednesday, as people on camels and horses charged through the crowds. 

The army has pulled back to let protesters gather, a day after an estimated 250,000 people flooded the square to demand Mr. Mubarak\'s resignation. Egypt\'s military on Wednesday urged demonstrators to return to their normal lives, saying their message has been heard and their demands have become known. 

Mr. Mubarak announced late Tuesday he will not seek reelection in September but he vowed to serve out his term. The long-time Egyptian leader said on state television that he has exhausted his life serving Egypt and its people, and pledged to work during the rest of his term to carry out a "peaceful transfer of power." Soon after Mr. Mubarak\'s speech, clashes erupted between protesters and government supporters in the northern port city of Alexandria. At least 12 people were injured. Witnesses reported similar unrest in Suez and other cities east of Cairo. 

Meanwhile, Internet service began returning to the country Wednesday after days of an unprecedented cutoff.





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