
英语翻译 2019-08-14 18:13:01 209

Japan\'s Prime Minister Naoto Kan says the nuclear crisis at the crippled Fukushima plant is "very grave," as technicians continued desperate efforts to prevent a wider catastrophe.

Mr. Kan said on Friday the police, fire department and military were "putting their lives on the line" as they try to douse damaged reactor buildings at the Fukushima plant with water, to prevent fuel rods inside from overheating and throwing more radiation into the environment.

Firefighters are using powerful hoses to try to spray the buildings, after the country\'s self-defense forces abandoned a mission to drop water by helicopter because of the radiation risk posed to the pilots.

The Japanese government Friday raised the severity rating of its nuclear disaster from 4 to 5 on a 7-point international nuclear event scale. Level 5 signals an accident with wider consequences, including some release of radioactive material, with a high probability of significant public exposure.

Workers are trying to install new power lines to the building to restore cooling systems which were knocked out during last week\'s earthquake and tsunami disasters. But officials say it may take until Sunday for the electricity to start flowing to the damaged reactors. 






严峻的局势 局势严重还是严峻 局势越来越严峻 局势越来越严重还是严峻 利比亚安全局势严峻 什么的局势 局势 局势严重对吗 严峻的什么


