
英语翻译 2019-08-14 18:12:53 102

An explosion blew the roof and outer walls off of the number 3 unit Monday at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in earthquake-stricken northern Japan.

A similar explosion struck the number 1 unit on Saturday at the plant, where cooling systems were knocked out by Friday\'s devastating earthquake and tsunami. Officials said the inner containment vessel remained intact after Monday\'s explosion and they did not believe there had been a major release of radiation.

However engineers were still struggling to gain control of a new threat at the number 2 unit, where officials reported a total failure of the cooling system. The operators of the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company, said the coolant had evaporated exposing the fuel rods, raising the risk of them melting down.

If the heat from a meltdown ruptures the containment vessel, that could permit a major release of radiation with serious health consequences. Engineers were desperately pumping sea water into all three units at Fukushima in an effort to cool them down.

Engineers have also vented steam from the plants to release a build-up of pressure. Hydrogen in the steam is believed to have mixed with oxygen, causing the two explosions.

Almost 200,000 people have already been evacuated from areas around Fukushima and other troubled nuclear power stations. About 600 people still in homes near the Fukushima plant were advised to remain indoors.

The commander of the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, which has been assisting in relief efforts from about 160 kilometers offshore, said the American fleet had moved away from the Fukushima plant after low levels of radiation were detected on 17 crewmen. He said the radiation was easily washed off.

The nuclear crisis has diverted attention away from a massive rescue and relief effort. The total death toll from the quake and tsunami is expected to reach more than 10,000. 









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