
英语翻译 2019-08-14 18:12:47 114


When walking outside 行走在户外时
Take caution against falling objects, such as signs and broken windows. Tools and construction materials can fall down at a construction site. Protect your head with your bag or coat and keep at a distance from tall buildings. Stone walls and pillars can also fall down and are potentially dangerous. 当心坠落的物体,例如广告牌和破碎的窗户。建筑工具和材料有可能从建筑工地跌落。用包或大衣保护自己的头部,和高层建筑保持距离。石墙和柱子也可能会倒塌,从而带来安全隐患。

When driving a car 驾驶车辆时
Firmly hold the steering wheel, gradually reduce speed, park your car on the side of the road, and stop the engine. Listen to information on the radio and find out what is happening. If you need to evacuate, leave your keys, keep the doors unlocked, and walk away with your car documents and valuables. 握稳方向盘,逐渐减速,然后把车停到路边,关掉引擎。收听广播信息,了解目前状况。如果需要撤离,应将车钥匙留下,不锁车门,并随身携带好车辆证件和贵重物品。

When underground or in a subway 在地下或乘地铁时
The shaking you feel when you are underground is about half of what you would experience over ground. Additionally, underground areas have strong structures and are safer than high-rise buildings. Calmly evacuate, following instructions from shop clerks and subway staff. 地下感受到的震动大约只有地上的一半。另外,地下建筑通常比高层建筑更坚固,安全。应按照店员和地铁工作人员的指示,沉着冷静地撤离。

When in high-rise building 在高层建筑时
Elevators with earthquake sensors will stop at the nearest floor. Immediately leave the elevator. If you get stuck in the elevator, use the intercom to contact someone outside and wait for rescue. When you evacuate from buildings, never use elevators, listen to announcements, and use the stairs to leave the building. 装有地震感应器的电梯会停靠在最近的楼层,此时应迅速地离开电梯。如果被困在电梯里,应用其通话装置和外部联系,然后等待救援。从楼房撤离时,不要使用电梯,而应听通告,使用楼梯离开大楼。

When near the ocean 在海边时
Head for higher ground and carefully listen to tsunami information. Do not go near the ocean until tsunami warnings have been cleared. Don’t even think about going to watch tsunamis! 立即向高处转移,同时收听海啸信息。在海啸警报解除之前,不要靠近海边,更不要有观看海啸的荒谬想法。


地震产生的原因 远距离大地震发生时 地震时人体有什么反应 发生地震时该怎么办 四川长宁地震时间 如何躲避地震 开车时遭遇地震 地震发生时如何应对 地震发生时应该


