
英语翻译 2019-08-14 18:12:45 152

There are few things more thrilling in life than having your first baby. But newbie baby namers are prone to making some mistakes that more experienced name choosers are able to avoid.

If you\'re choosing a baby name for the first time, don\'t make one of these seven common mistakes:

1. Believing that the names that were popular -- and creative -- when you were a kid still have the same status.

Name tastes have changed radically over the last decade or two. Goodbye, Jessica and Josh, hello Layla and Serenity, Landon and Tristan -- all top 100 names.
1 相信名字很受欢迎,有创意——当你还是孩子的时候你也有同样的感受
名字的品味在最近十几二十年里从根本上发生了的变化。Goodbye, Jessica and Josh, hello Layla and Serenity, Landon and Tristan——前100名的名字。

2. Thinking that the playground rules are the same as they were back in the day.

Kids no longer get teased for having names that are unique, androgynous, exotic or hard to pronounce or spell. Rather, name diversity is celebrated.
2 想象操场规则跟他们以前一样

3. Letting your parents have too much say in the baby\'s name.

Baby names can undoubtedly be a fun topic of family conversation. But the person who changes the diapers at 3 a.m. gets to name the baby.
3 让你的父母为孩子命名上说太多话

4. Clinging too tightly to the name you always swore you\'d give your first child.

A lot of people -- let\'s face it: girls -- spend their childhoods coming up with fanciful names they want to give their children. But if that name you always loved has suddenly become uber-popular or clashes with your new last name, let it go.
4  太坚持你所保证要给你第一个孩子起的名字
 许多人——面对现实吧:女孩子——整个童年时代都在想一些为她们将来孩子起的梦幻名字。 但是如果你一直喜欢的名字突然间超级受欢迎或跟你的新姓相冲突,那就接受现实吧。


5. Caring too much about how cool the name choice makes you look.

Sure, pregnancy is cooler than it used to be, with cuter clothes and celebrity role models. But putting a name\'s cool factor above all else won\'t make little Bronx\'s life very easy.
5  太关注名字的选择使你看起来有多酷

6. Not considering subsequent children\'s names.

First-time namers are likely to think about, well, their first child\'s name, but if you name Baby No. 1 Tallulah, then you pretty much rule out Lula, Lila, Delilah, Sula, Tally and maybe even Louis for subsequent children.
6 不考虑随后的孩子们的名字
 新手的婴儿命名者很可能只考虑他们第一个孩子的名字,但是如果你给第一个孩子取名为Tallulah,那么你就完全排除为以后的孩子取Lula, Lila, Delilah, Sula, Tally, 甚至是Louis这些名字。

7. Not realizing that there\'s going to be a real live baby ... and child ... and, eventually, grownup on the other end of the naming decision.

We get it that it can seem like your pregnancy is all about you. Sometimes, it can almost come as a shock when an actual baby emerges in the delivery room, instantly asserting her own needs and personality. Try to keep that little (and eventually big) person in mind when you choose the name she\'ll live with forever.
7  没有意识到决定命名的另一端,即从一个活生生的婴儿到儿童,最后长大成人


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