
英语翻译 2019-08-14 12:13:03 107

Japan is defending its massive dump of radiation-contaminated water from its disabled nuclear plant into the sea, denying the disposal poses any immediate health problems or violates international maritime law. Radioactivity at levels several million times the legal limit were detected in the ocean near the Fukushima plant on Tuesday, where technicians are pumping thousands of tons of less tainted water into the sea.

Japanese Foreign Minister Takeaki Matsumoto said Tuesday that Japan had done everything to minimize the contamination of the ocean and promised to inform the international community of its decisions in accordance with UN regulations. South Korea, which lies due west of Japan, has said it is concerned that the release of thousands of tons of water carrying high radiation levels could reach its shores.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company that operates the plant said radioactive iodine was measured Saturday at 7.5 million times the legal limit in the sea near the nuclear power plant. Another measurement Monday morning found levels at 5 million times the legal limit.

TEPCO said 2,800 tons of radioactive water had been pumped into the sea from a temporary storage facility by Tuesday morning. The company plans to empty 10,000 tons of water from the tank to make room for water that is much more highly contaminated and preventing repair work at the plant.Another 1,500 tons is being pumped from two nearby buildings.

The government also says elevated levels of radioactivity have been detected for the first time in edible fish south of the plant. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano said the government has established an allowable standard for radioactivity in fish and seafood equal to that for vegetables, effective immediately.





韩国辐射 韩国讲辐射的电影 韩国海苔辐射 韩国辐射超标保健垫 韩国核辐射 辐射 韩国的海苔受日本辐射 韩国辐射电影名字 日本辐射电影


