打造梦想花园 无需园艺高手

英语翻译 2019-08-14 12:13:03 94

Dreaming of your childhood garden, but missing a green thumb? For a foolproof and modern take, follow our DIY guide and create a container succulent garden. It will breathe new life into your home with an instant burst of low maintenance spring color without much fuss. Succulents will reproduce easily from cuttings, so keep your eyes out when wandering through your neighborhood, but remember to ask permission first.

1. If working from cuttings, prepare your succulents by setting in direct sun for a week until roots sprout. If working with seedlings, skip and proceed to step two.
2. Choose a deep container. If you plan to keep it outside full time, holes in the bottom are okay.
3. Line the bottom inch or two with small rocks or pumice to ensure good drainage.
4. Lay a few inches of soil on top of the layer of rocks, depending on the size of container.
5. Carefully situate the seedlings or sprouted cuttings in the container, securing them with additional soil where needed.
6. Cover soil around plants with small rocks to further secure the plants and to beautify!
  1 如果是插枝,就要把植物置于阳光下直晒一周直到它们发芽。如果是用籽苗种植的,跳过从第二部开始。
  2 挑选一个深的花盆。如果你打算将植物一直放在外面,花盆底下有洞较好。
  3 用小石头或浮石在花盆底部划上一两英寸长的口子确保正常排水。
  4 在岩石上面铺上几英寸的土壤,这要看花盆的大小而定。
  5 小心把籽苗或发芽的插枝放在花盆中,需要的话用多一些土将它们固住。
  6 植物周围铺上土壤和小石子进一步牢固和美化。
Celebrate Earth Day by planting succulents! These colorful treasures require very little care and will reward you with the perfect gift of clean air in a crowded city.


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